domingo, 30 de abril de 2023

Independent Financial Advisor & Insurance Agent in Europe, EMEA, and Las Americas. Who am I? RWAs. New VIP Hash Power Package Received.


Independent Financial Advisor & Insurance Agent in Europe, EMEA, and Las Americas. Who I am? RWAs. New VIP Hash Power Package Received. Sunday, April 30, 2023.

Who am I? Rafael Alberto Vilagut. 
After an incredible quarter of price performance, Bitcoin price action has taken a breather. In this episode, we evaluate participant spending behavior to assess the market's conviction toward the prevailing trend. 
The Bitcoin market found resistance last week, reverting from the weekly high above $30,456k, back down to a low of $27,169k. The opening to 2023 has been historically strong from a price-performance perspective, with remarkably few significant corrections along the way, with the largest being -18.6%. 

After a remarkably strong start to 2023, the BTC market has run up against its first appreciable resistance, reverting the rally up to $30k. This comes alongside a very large cross-section of the market seeing their holdings recover above the acquisition price, creating a more favorable, and profitable environment.

The aggregate value of profits realized remains relatively small compared to the size of the asset, however, they are of a USD magnitude equivalent to the 2019 rally to $14k. With accumulation and distribution behavior across several wallet cohorts mixed at the moment, the market appears less decisive than it has been in the first quarter of the year.

RWAs.  BlackRock Just Chose Their Crypto Niche (MASSIVE Opportunity),  The Bitcoin spot price is currently trading between two popular On-chain pricing models; the Realized Price at $19.9k representing the average acquisition price of the supply, and the Realized-to-Liveliness Ratio at $33.0k.
New VIP Hash Power Package Received.
"Dear iMine User, We are pleased to inform you that you have received a new VIP Hash Power Package - VIP Plan Gold. This package will allow you to start mining from 01/05/2023 to 21/11/2026, a total of 1300 days".  Sunday, April 30, 2023.

Disclaimer: This episode does not provide any investment advice. All data is provided for information and educational purposes only. No investment decision shall be based on the information provided here and you are solely responsible for your own investment decisions.

Digital Entrepreneur, Author, Researcher, Educator, Coach, and Teacher. He lives and works between Caracas (Venezuela), Barcelona, and Madrid (Spain) and Central America Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Link: © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - CEO M2O. Telegram/youtube @ralviv.


What is holding you back in your life? A $50-250 MILLION Net Worth Gets You this.


What is holding you back in your life? 

The question is addressed to the new crypto economy, which is replacing the petro economy and the petrodollar by leaps and bounds. I already said it in my ebook "The Bitcoin War Has Begun", for sale on Amazon since 2021. If what is holding you back is fear, you must study, you must look for answers, you must educate yourself, that is possible and there are multiple resources to everyone's taste and reach. If what is holding you back is deception and/or scams, let me tell you that in the real world, companies disappear at a speed almost equal to the one they are created. That's why you should never invest in something you don't know, and in risky businesses like cryptos, you should only put the money you're willing to lose, or at least not have in a couple of long years. The world is polarizing at a great speed, in opposition to the reality of the last years in which the only actor was the United States of North America. China by leaps and bounds is occupying positions that belonged to the US, the most recent being diplomacy. For this reason, in a changing world in which artificial intelligence not only puts your job and livelihood at risk but also the continuity of humanity as we know it today, you must leave your comfort zone and do different things, as the saying goes. video of Bezos that I share with you today. For him, it was selling books online, in the right place, and at the right time. So why not open your mind and heart to the blockchain industry, cryptocurrencies, and a new multipolar world? I recently got the nerve to open a new cloud mining account, so I'll keep you posted in this space as I did from 2020 to 2022, which I've been mining with great success in small companies based in Poland, in China, in Kazakhstan. Saturday, April 29, 2023, Rafael Vilagut, Master of Finance since 1990, and doctoral student at the University of Costa Rica since 2015.

 "I Got Rich When I Understood This" | Jeff Bezos,  A $50-250 MILLION Net Worth Gets You this.


A $50 MILLION Net Worth Gets You THIS | Lifestyle Review,


A $250 MILLION Net Worth Gets You THIS | Lifestyle,

Digital Entrepreneur, Author, Researcher, Educator, Coach, Teacher. He lives and works between Caracas (Venezuela), Barcelona and Madrid (Spain) and Central America Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. ENLACE: © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - CEO M2O. Telegram/youtube @ralviv


jueves, 27 de abril de 2023

Jorge Mesquita (former COO Universe Coin). Painel interativo usado para minerar BTC. Plataforma de mineração internacional global.


Jorge Mesquita (former COO Universe Coin). Painel interativo usado para minerar BTC.  Plataforma de mineração internacional global. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - CEO e fundador do Movimiento La 2da Oportunidad M2O. Telegrama/youtube @ralviv 27/04/2023.

Painel interativo usado para minerar BTC, “mineração interativa para todos” Com uma cara maquillada Eyal Avramovich e seus novos sócios coreanos e portugueses planean desembarcar em Las Americas y El Caribe de mano de Mining City. 
 A iMine já atraiu clientes de todo o mundo e continua seus esforços para alcançar até mesmo os clientes, oferecendo produtos e serviços de última geração. O iMine oferecerá acesso a um painel interativo que permite aos usuários maior controle sobre quais criptomoedas baseadas em SHA-256 eles mineram e/ou quanto poder de hash é usado para mineração. Os usuários do iMine também podem escolher qual instalação produzirá suas recompensas de mineração com base em sua fonte de combustível. A iMine também está empenhada em promover a gestão ambiental e reconhece a importância de tomar medidas afirmativas para conservar, proteger e criar um ambiente mais sustentável. O veterano executivo Jorge Mesquita W. (@mesquitaw, ex-COO da Universe Coin) se junta ao iMine. De acordo com Todd William, o iMine é uma plataforma global de mineração com centros de dados parceiros na Ásia Central e na América do Sul, atendendo a usuários de todo o mundo. Espera-se que mais fazendas de mineração – fornecendo energia de hash para os clientes da iMine – sejam conectadas nos próximos meses. “Foi uma grande ideia criar a iMine e liderar a empresa neste momento emocionante”, disse Jorge Mesquita, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) da iMine. “Meu objetivo é continuar a desenvolver, expandir e melhorar nossas ofertas de produtos e serviços acessíveis e estabelecer o iMine como líder no setor.”

Participe de um tour por uma instalação de mineração com Jorge Mesquita, CEO da iMine. Veja como Jorge leva você para dentro e ao redor da instalação de mineração localizada na América do Sul e fala sobre a infraestrutura de mineração, capacidade e mineradores. Por motivos de segurança e segredo comercial, não divulgamos a localização exata. A equipe iMine está “comprometida em criar produtos de alta qualidade que sigam as regras internacionais, atendam aos requisitos legais e ofereçam o melhor valor para os clientes, fazendo com que eles se sintam seguros e confiantes”, disse Mesquita. Durante os primeiros seis meses de negócios, a equipe do iMine concluiu com sucesso procedimentos detalhados de Conheça seu Cliente (KYC) para mais de 3.000 usuários. “Estamos ansiosos pelo crescimento e sucesso contínuos”, acrescentou Mesquita. Aproveite o vídeo! ⛏ Facebook: ⛏ Instagram: ⛏ Twitter: ⛏ YouTube: ⛏ TikTok: ⛏ Site:

“A iMine está tentando ser responsável com os recursos de energia usados para fornecer aos clientes recompensas de mineração de Bitcoin, com as instalações atuais já utilizando energia verde. Estamos trabalhando em estreita colaboração com parceiros estratégicos para reduzir nossa pegada de carbono e esperamos ser totalmente neutros em carbono em um futuro não tão distante. Nossos parceiros também estão investindo em mineradoras com maior eficiência energética, o que nos ajudará a atingir esse objetivo”, acrescentou Mesquita. Ele está orgulhoso do fato de que a empresa lançará em breve o iMine Academy, um recurso educacional integrado à plataforma projetado para aumentar o conhecimento do setor e a alfabetização técnica dos usuários. Os vídeos não pretendem substituir o investimento profissional ou aconselhamento jurídico e não constituem uma oferta ou convite para vender, ou qualquer solicitação de qualquer oferta para subscrever ou comprar quaisquer valores mobiliários, mercadorias ou produtos financeiros e nada aqui contido deve formar com base em qualquer contrato ou compromisso. Este vídeo foi disponibilizado para fins informativos e está disponível no canal do youtube. As informações abordadas nos vídeos são atuais apenas a partir da data em que as disponibilizamos pela primeira vez e podem estar sujeitas a verificação adicional, alteração e complementação de qualquer forma, sem responsabilidade ou notificação a qualquer pessoa. Por meio deste, nos isentamos de toda e qualquer responsabilidade perante qualquer parte por quaisquer danos diretos, indiretos, implícitos, punitivos, especiais, incidentais ou outros danos consequentes decorrentes direta ou indiretamente de qualquer uso do vídeo, que é fornecido como está e sem quaisquer garantias. 
Sobre o CEO Jorge Mesquita W. ex-COO da Universe Coin.

Universe Coin, former COO Jorge Mesquita | 'Inovadores com Jane King', Jorge Mesquita, CEO da iMine, é um empresário com formação académica em marketing e espírito empresarial. Coordenou equipes talentosas e projetos ambiciosos em empresas internacionais que atuam nas áreas de Publicidade, Comunicação e Tecnologia da Informação. Mesquita trabalhou como consultor para algumas das maiores marcas da área de tecnologia, onde teve a oportunidade de trabalhar com pessoas excepcionais de todo o mundo. Entusiasta de criptomoedas, ele acompanha o mercado há vários anos e finalmente decidiu amarrar sua carreira profissional a esta indústria ao lançar o iMine há seis meses. Sua vasta experiência e seu compromisso em reunir os mais experientes desenvolvedores, mineradores, técnicos e outros especialistas é motivo de grande orgulho.

O iMine é uma plataforma de mineração internacional global com data centers parceiros na Ásia Central e na América do Sul (com mais locais em andamento), bem como usuários vindos de todo o mundo. Oferece produtos que fornecem poder de hash para minerar criptomoedas selecionadas. Para mais informações acesse: e/ou, Rafael Alberto Vilagut. Um gerente multicultural. . © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - Tour das instalações de mineração com o CEO da iMine, Jorge Mesquita, Introdução ao iMine, Direitos autorais @ 2022 MiningMall LLC. Todos os direitos reservados aos proprietários dos direitos autorais. iMine por Todd William, (bitcoinist)

Register,, Painel interativo usado para minerar BTC, Enlace del vídeo,

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

🚀 Introducción a MiningMall LLC por 📚 Educador, 🥇 Entrenador, 🧑 Profesor, Rafael Alberto Vilagut. Plan de Marketing. Los primeros pasos


🚀 Introducción a iMine y MiningMall LLC por 📚 Educador, 🥇 Entrenador, 🧑 Profesor, Rafael Alberto Vilagut.  Plan de Marketing iMine. Los primeros pasos. 26/04/2023.
Academia Edu ebook completo 32 paginas, 🚀 Introduction to iMine and MiningMall LLC by 📚 Educator, 🥇 Coach, 🧑 Teacher, Rafael Alberto Vilagut © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 iMine has already attracted customers from all over the world and continues its efforts to reach out even to clients by delivering state-of-the-art products and services.
Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a los oyentes de este canal después de un merecido descanso. Para los que no me conocen mi nombre es Rafa Vilagut y estoy transmitiendo desde San José de Costa Rica. Hoy es el día miércoles veintiséis de abril del año dos mil veintitrés y son exactamente las dos y cuarenta y dos de la tarde. Son muchas las cosas que les tengo que contar desde la última vez que grabé y quiero hacerlo comenzando por el proyecto de minería de bitcóin en dos mil veintitrés en el cual mi rol es como gerente intercultural de cripto activos, sin embargo el disclaimer a pesar de ser asesor financiero independiente, esta presentación no es una asesoría financiera, no se está promocionando ni vendiendo ningún servicio, ni ningún negocio. A título personal les estoy contando mi emoción de poder volver a la minería de bitcóin que tantas satisfacciones me trajo en el pasado.

Así pues dicho esto comencemos, he abierto una cuenta en una nueva plataforma y el usuario como lo pueden ver se llama genial. Esta nueva plataforma ya está funcionando y ya tiene personas que día con día están minando bitcóin y están teniendo resultados de minería de bitcoins que repito no debe de considerarse una inversión y además los cripto activos son una industria que puede traer grandes sorpresas, grandes ganancias pero también grandes pérdidas. Y lo que esta plataforma que se llama iMine recomienda es que pueda hablar con su asesor financiero independiente antes de disponer de cualquier recurso que quiera poner para minar bitcoins en cualquier plataforma o en cualquier metodología ya sea adquiriendo un robot como este que está aquí o inscribiéndose en un pool de minería lo cual es una opción que vi viable para mi caso particular en el pasado y que nuevamente estoy viendo viable en el dos mil veintitrés.

Cuando usted participa en el pool de minería sencillamente lo único que tiene que hacer es inscribirse porque hay un tercero que ha a hacer absolutamente todas las operaciones por usted y simplemente le va a ofrecer un servicio. Lo único que usted tiene que hacer es entender los riesgos y si dispone de un dinero que no vaya a utilizar o que no vaya a necesitar, entonces podría pensar en poner ese dinero en un plan de minería y olvidarse, no ver la minería todos los días porque los agricultores cuando siembran ponen la semilla, arreglan la tierra, pero no están escarbando todos los días para ver si la semilla germinó. En este caso, en esta plataforma he sembrado unas semillas y espero que en mil trescientos días pueda ver la recompensa para este dinero que no necesito para el día a día pero que si puedo disponer para contribuir a diversificar la forma en que uno puede en un futuro tener múltiples fuentes de ingresos, incluidas las cripto monedas.

Lógicamente esto depende del país del cual usted es residente, de las leyes del país, también si hay que pagar o no hay que pagar impuestos, porque las empresas que dan el servicio no son responsables de las leyes del país donde usted vive ni tampoco de los impuestos que usted tiene que pagar. Ellos simplemente ofrecen un servicio, le solicitan que pida consejo de un asesor financiero independiente y que ponga el dinero que puede permitirse perder o que en un futuro podría ser una gran sorpresa, y que todo depende de la blockchain y del bitcóin, el cual ha sido un tema apasionante para mí, porque he escrito dos libros que están a la venta en Amazon.

Así pues, el nombre de esta plataforma es “interactive mining for all” minería iterativa por todos y se llama iMine. Es “smart mining” minería inteligente y de acuerdo al prospecto sin modificar es la minería SHA-256. Van a haber cinco monedas, incluyendo el bitcóin, va a haber una aplicación de academia, y un mercado en tiempo real. Esos son los objetivos de esta plataforma en el primer año.

La minería interactiva se realiza utilizando el “hash power”, o la potencia de minería en tiempo real. Y el poder monitorearlo desde su dispositivo móvil, desde su computador, desde su casa, desde donde usted quiera. Es una minería internacional y según me explicaron y vi videos del CEO, el señor Jorge Mesquita, los centros de minería con los cuales ellos tienen contratos están en Asia y en Sur América. Ellos ofrecen un plan de minería para principiantes, otro estándar, otro bronce, otro plata y otro oro.

Como esto es simplemente contarles mi experiencia si alguien quiere más detalles, al final doy mis datos de contacto, o pueden contactar a cualquier persona que igual que yo ya esté utilizando los servicios de minería de esta plataforma, que no conocía hasta esta semana y que fui invitado por un gran socio y amigo de Barcelona, en el cual confío plenamente.

Ellos por supuesto además de la minería utilizan la metodología de márquetin que es el boca a boca, es decir por recomendación y esto es interesante porque además de la minería podría generar algún tipo de cripto moneda producto de la recomendación, si es que usted tiene una buena experiencia con esta plataforma, por supuesto aparte de la minería, que eso depende de factores externos, como el precio del bitcóin, como el “halving” que ha a haber el próximo año, como la dificultad de la minería, como el equipo de minería, en fin depende de muchos factores externos.

En este caso los ingresos por recomendación tienen que ver con el plan de compensación de la empresa y es interesante que ellos tienen tres maneras de recompensar a las personas que están minando, están satisfechas y por lo tanto, como no se puede tener sino una sola cuenta por persona, pues las gente quiere que se beneficien sus vecinos, sus familiares, sus amigos, sus compañeros o compañeras de trabajo, y por eso se han creado estas tres maneras en las cuales la empresa recompensa y si hay una persona que se inscriba a través de la referencia de quien ya está minando, va a cobrar una comisión o dos formas más de ingreso, que no es el objetivo de esta presentación explicar el plan de negocios, pero si estoy en la capacidad de dar explicaciones detalladas a las personas que quieran y que desean poder conocer para tomar una decisión inteligente.

Lo que si les puedo comentar es que la empresa está organizándose, ya tuvo un evento internacional en Dubai y trata de cumplir con todas las leyes de todos los países con los cuales tiene socios, tiene relacionados y tiene clientes. Por eso es que funcionan el conozca a su cliente, funciona el “compliance” y ellos tienen o nos informan un código de conducta, un monitoreo y auditorias constantes. En fin ellos ha asegurado las mejores prácticas para que un negocio tan riesgoso como el de las cripto monedas esté los más controlado posible.

En algunos países no se permite la minería y eso debes de preguntárselo a la persona que te interese poderle dar más detalles. Entonces esto era lo que quería compartirles el día de hoy y saludarlos, desearles desde San José de Costa Rica el que puedan tener una feliz tarde, tarde noche, o mañana según donde me estén escuchando, chao, chao.

Rafael Alberto Vilagut, San José de Costa Rica 26 de abril de 2023. Canal Ralviv de YouTube. 
Academia Edu ebook completo 32 paginas, 🚀 Introduction to iMine and MiningMall LLC by 📚 Educator, 🥇 Coach, 🧑 Teacher, Rafael Alberto Vilagut © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 iMine has already attracted customers from all over the world and continues its efforts to reach out even to clients by delivering state-of-the-art products and services.  Plan de Markenting iMine. Los primeros pasos, Register, Video
 Introduction to iMine and MiningMall LLC by  Educator,  Coach,  Teacher, Rafael Alberto Vilagut

🚀 Introduction to MiningMall LLC by 📚 Educator, 🥇 Coach, 🧑 Teacher, Rafael Alberto Vilagut.


Welcome to the listeners of this channel after a well-deserved rest. For those who do not know me, my name is Rafa Vilagut and I am broadcasting from San José, Costa Rica. Today is Wednesday the twenty-sixth of April of the year two thousand twenty-three and it is exactly two forty-two in the afternoon. There are many things that I have to tell you since the last time I recorded and I want to do it starting with the bitcoin mining project in 2023 in which my role is as an intercultural manager of crypto assets, however the disclaimer despite being an independent financial advisor, this presentation is not financial advice, it is not promoting or selling any service, or any business. In a personal way, I am telling you about my excitement at being able to return to bitcoin mining, which brought me so much satisfaction in the past.
So, having said this, let's start, I have opened an account on a new platform and the user, as you can see, is called genial. This new platform is already working and it already has people who are mining bitcoin every day and are having bitcoin mining results that I repeat should not be considered an investment and also crypto assets are an industry that can bring big surprises, big profits but also big losses. And what this platform called iMine recommends is that you talk to your independent financial advisor before you have any resources that you want to put to mine bitcoins on any platform or in any methodology either by purchasing a robot like this one here or by signing up in a mining pool, which is an option that I saw viable for my particular case in the past and that I am seeing viable again in two thousand and twenty-three.
When you participate in the mining pool, the only thing you have to do is register because there is a third party that has to do absolutely all the operations for you and is simply going to offer you a service. All you have to do is understand the risks and if you have money that you are not going to use or need, then you might think about putting that money into a mining plan and forget about it, not seeing mining every days because when farmers plant the seed, they fix the soil, but they are not digging every day to see if the seed germinated. In this case, on this platform I have sown some seeds and I hope that in 1,300 days I can see the reward for this money that I do not need for day-to-day life but that I can use to help diversify the way one can in a future to have multiple sources of income, including crypto currencies.
Logically this depends on the country of which you are a resident, on the laws of the country, also if you have to pay taxes or not, because the companies that provide the service are not responsible for the laws of the country where you live or for the taxes you have to pay. They simply offer a service, they ask you to seek advice from an independent financial adviser and to put money that you can afford to lose or that in the future could be a big surprise, and that it all depends on the blockchain and bitcoin, which has It's been a passionate topic for me, because I've written two books that are for sale on Amazon.
So, the name of this platform is “interactive mining for all” and it is called iMine. It is “smart mining” and according to the unmodified prospectus it is SHA-256 mining. There are going to be five currencies, including bitcoin, there is going to be an academy app, and a real-time marketplace. Those are the goals of this platform in the first year.
Interactive mining is done using the “hash power”, or mining power in real-time. And being able to monitor it from your mobile device, from your computer, from your home, from wherever you want. It is an international mining company and as they explained to me and I saw videos of the CEO, Jorge Mesquita, the mining centers with which they have contracts are in Asia and South America. They offer a mining plan for beginners, another standard, another bronze, another silver and another gold.

As this is simply telling you my experience, if someone wants more details, at the end I give my contact details, or you can contact anyone who, like me, is already using the mining services of this platform, that I did not know until this week and who I was invited by a great partner and friend from Barcelona, in whom I fully trust.
Of course, in addition to mining, they use the marketing methodology that is word of mouth, that is, by recommendation, and this is interesting because, in addition to mining, you could generate some type of crypto currency as a result of the recommendation, if you have a good experience with this platform, of course apart from mining, that depends on external factors, such as the price of bitcoin, such as the "halving" that will take place next year, such as the difficulty of mining, such as the mining equipment Well, it depends on many external factors.
In this case, the income per recommendation has to do with the compensation plan of the company and it is interesting that they have three ways of rewarding the people who are mining, are satisfied and therefore, since you can only have one account per person, because people want their neighbors, their relatives, their friends, their colleagues or co-workers to benefit, and that is why these three ways have been created in which the company rewards and if there is a person who signs up through the reference of who is already mining, he will charge a commission or two more forms of income, which is not the objective of this presentation to explain the business plan, but if I am able to give detailed explanations to people that they want and wish they could know in order to make an intelligent decision.

What I can tell you is that the company is getting organized, it already has an international event in Dubai and it tries to comply with all the laws of all the countries with which it has partners, has relationships, and clients. That is why knowing your KYC
works, "compliance" works and they have or inform us of a code of conduct, constant monitoring and audits. In short, they have ensured the best practices so that a business as risky as that of crypto currencies is as controlled as possible.

In some countries mining is not allowed and you should ask the person you are interested in to give more details. So this was what I wanted to share with you today and greet you, wish you from San José de Costa Rica that you can have a happy afternoon, late night, or tomorrow depending on where you are listening to me, bye, bye.
Rafael Alberto Vilagut, San José, Costa Rica April 26, 2023. Ralviv YouTube channel.  A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - 

🚀 Introduction to iMine and MiningMall LLC by 📚 Educator, 🥇 Coach, 🧑 Teacher, Rafael Alberto Vilagut,


China doesn't want the United States to be the preeminent power. Chinese President Xi Jinping holds phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


China doesn't want the United States to be the preeminent power. Chinese President Xi Jinping holds phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.  The Need for a New US Foreign Policy, Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 26-04-2023.  
Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out of the Ukraine crisis, and no one wins a nuclear war.  Chinese President Xi Jinping holds phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.  

President Xi Jinping spoke to Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky over the phone on Wednesday, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported. Xi spoke to Zelensky “by invitation”, the report said. The call was the first time the two leaders had talked since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
China is taking an increasingly assertive role in world affairs, helping to broker a restoration of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, offering a 12-point peace plan for Ukraine, and strengthening its relationships with European and Latin American powers. Last week, China continued its diplomatic outreach by offering to hold talks between Israel and Palestine. "China doesn't want the United States to be the preeminent power. It wants to live alongside the United States," says economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and president of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as adviser to three U.N. secretaries-general and currently serves as a sustainable development solutions advocate under Secretary-General António Guterres. His latest article is headlined "The Need for a New US Foreign Policy."
US foreign policy is based on an inherent contradiction and fatal flaw. The aim of US foreign policy is a US-dominated world, in which the US writes the global trade and financial rules, controls advanced technologies, maintains military supremacy, and dominates all potential competitors. Unless US foreign policy is changed to recognize the need for a multipolar world, it will lead to more wars, and possibly World War III.

The inherent contradiction in US foreign policy is that it conflicts with the UN Charter, which commits the US (and all other UN member states) to a global system based on UN institutions in which no single country dominates. The fatal flaw is that the US has just 4 percent of the world population, and lacks the economic, financial, military, and technological capacities, much less the ethical and legal claims, to dominate the other 96 percent.

At the end of World War II, the US was far ahead of the rest of the world in economic, technological, and military power. This is no longer the case, as many countries have built their economies and technological capacities.

President Emmanuel Macron recently spoke the truth when he said that the European Union, though an ally of the US, does not want to be a vassal of the US. He was widely attacked in the US and Europe for uttering this statement because many mediocre politicians in Europe depend on US political support to stay in power.

In 2015, US Ambassador Robert Blackwill, an important US foreign policy strategist, described US grand strategy with exceptional clarity. He wrote, “Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first on the North American continent, then in the Western hemisphere, and finally globally,” and argued that “preserving U.S. primacy in the global system ought to remain the central objective of U.S. grand strategy in the twenty-first century.”

To sustain US primacy vis-à-vis China, Blackwill laid out a game plan that President Joe Biden is following. Among other measures, Blackwill called on the US to create “new preferential trading arrangements among U.S. friends and allies to increase their mutual gains through instruments that consciously exclude China,” “a technology-control regime” to block China’s strategic capabilities, a build-up of “power-political capacities of U.S. friends and allies on China’s periphery,” and strengthened U.S. military forces along the Asian rimlands despite any Chinese opposition.

Most US politicians and many in Britain, the EU, Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand support the United States’ aggressive approach. I do not. I view the US approach to China as contrary to the UN Charter and peace.

China has the right to prosperity and national security, free from US provocations around its borders. China’s remarkable economic accomplishments since the late 1970s are wonderful for both China and the world.

During the long century from 1839 to 1949, China was driven into extreme poverty in a period marked by European and Japanese invasions of China and Chinese civil wars. Britain invaded in 1839 to force China to buy Britain’s addictive opium. Other powers piled on during the following century. China has finally recovered from that disastrous period, and in the process, ended the poverty of around 1 billion people!

China’s new prosperity can be both peaceful and productive for the world. China’s successful technologies – ranging from vital cures for malaria to low-cost solar power and efficient 5G networks – can be a boon for the world. China will only be a threat to the extent that the US makes China an enemy. US hostility to China, which mixes the arrogant US aim of dominance with long-standing anti-Chinese racism dating back to the 19th century, is creating that enemy.

The dangers of US foreign policy extend beyond China. The US goal to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia, thereby surrounding Russia in the Black Sea, helped stoke the Ukraine War. Countless nations see the danger of this approach. Major nations from Brazil to India and beyond aim for a multipolar world. All UN member states should recommit to the UN Charter and oppose claims of dominance by any nation.

Jeffrey Sachs on China's "Historic" Push for Multipolar World to End U.S...,
Rafael Alberto Vilagut. A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut -  

martes, 25 de abril de 2023

BTC. Join a tour of mining facility with Jorge Mesquita. Introduction to MiningMall LLC.


Join a tour of a mining facility with Jorge Mesquita.  Introduction to iMine and MiningMall LLC. Rafael Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 25-04-2023

iMine has already attracted customers from all over the world and continues its efforts to reach out even to clients by delivering state-of-the-art products and services. iMine will offer access to an interactive dashboard that allows users greater control over which SHA-256-based cryptocurrencies they mine and/or how much hash power is used for mining. iMine’s users may also choose which facility will produce their mining rewards based on its source of fuel.

iMine is also committed to promoting environmental stewardship and recognizes the importance of taking affirmative steps to conserve, protect, and create a more sustainable environment.

The veteran executive Jorge Mesquita W. (@mesquitaw, former Chief Operating Officer Universe Coin) joins iMine.  According to Todd William, iMine is a global mining platform with partner data centers in Central Asia and South America serving users from around the world. More mining farms – providing hash power for iMine’s customers – are expected to be connected in the coming months.

“It was a great idea to create iMine and lead the company at this exciting time,” said Jorge Mesquita, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of iMine. “My aim is to continue to develop, expand, and improve our affordable product and service offerings and establish iMine as a leader in the industry.”


Join a tour of a mining facility with Jorge Mesquita, CEO of iMine. Watch as Jorge takes you in and around the mining facility located in South America and talks about the mining infrastructure, capacity and miners. For security and trade secret reasons we do not disclose the exact location. 
The iMine team is “committed to creating high-quality products that follow international rules, meet legal requirements and offer the best value for customers, while making them feel safe and confident,” said Mesquita.  Over the first six months of business, iMine staff has successfully completed detailed Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures for over 3,000 users.

“We look forward to continued growth and success,” Mesquita added.

“iMine is trying to be responsible with the energy resources used for providing clients with Bitcoin mining rewards, with current facilities already utilizing green energy. We are working closely with strategic partners to reduce our carbon footprint and hopefully be fully carbon neutral in the not-so-distant future. Our partners are also investing in more energy-efficient miners which will help us achieve that goal,” Mesquita added.

He is proud of the fact that the company will soon release iMine Academy, an educational resource built into the platform designed to increase users’ industry knowledge and technical literacy.

The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional investment or legal advice and does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to subscribe for or purchase any securities, commodities or financial products and nothing contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever. This video has been made available for informational purposes and available in youtube channel. 
The information covered in the videos is only current as of the date we first made it available and may be subject to further verification, amendment and supplement in any way without liability or notice to any person. 
We hereby disclaim any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video, which is provided as is, and without any warranties. 
About the CEO Jorge Mesquita W. former Chief Operating Officer Universe Coin.


Universe Coin, COO Jorge Mesquita | 'Innovators with Jane King',

Jorge Mesquita, iMine CEO, is an entrepreneur with academic training in marketing and a business-oriented mind. He coordinated talented teams and ambitious projects in international companies operating in the areas of Advertising, Communications, and Information Technology.
Mesquita worked as a consultant with some of the largest brands in the technology field, where he had the opportunity to work with exceptional people from all over the world. Enthusiastic about cryptocurrencies, he has followed the market for several years and finally decided to tie his professional career to this industry by launching iMine six months ago.

His vast experience and his commitment to bringing together the most experienced developers, miners, technicians, and other experts is a source of great pride. 

About iMine

iMine is a global international mining platform with partner data centers in Central Asia and South America (with more locations in the pipeline), as well as users hailing from around the world. It offers products providing hash power to mine selected cryptocurrencies. For more information visit: and/o
r, Rafael Alberto Vilagut. A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut - 
Mining Facility Tour with iMine CEO Jorge Mesquita,
Introduction to iMine, @ 2022 MiningMall LLC. All rights reserved to the copyright owners.  iMine by Todd William, (bitcoinist)

Edward VII - The Playboy Emperor of India and "Uncle of Europe".

Edward VII - The Playboy Emperor of India and "Uncle of Europe". 
Rafael Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 25-04-2023.
Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 22 January 1901 until his death in 1910. The second child and eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and nicknamed "Bertie", Edward was related to royalty throughout Europe.
Edward was related to nearly every other European monarch, and came to be known as the "uncle of Europe".  German Emperor Wilhelm II and Emperor Nicholas II of Russia were his nephews; Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain, Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden, Crown Princess Marie of Romania, Crown Princess Sophia of Greece, and Empress Alexandra of Russia were his nieces; King Haakon VII of Norway was both his nephew and his son-in-law; kings Frederick VIII of Denmark and George I of Greece were his brothers-in-law; kings Albert I of Belgium, Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and Charles I and Manuel II of Portugal were his second cousins. Edward doted on his grandchildren, and indulged them, to the consternation of their governesses. However, there was one relation whom Edward did not like: Wilhelm II. His difficult relationship with his nephew exacerbated the tensions between Germany and Britain.
He was Prince of Wales and heir apparent to the British throne for almost 60 years. During the long reign of his mother, he was largely excluded from political influence and came to personify the fashionable, leisured elite. 
He travelled throughout Britain performing ceremonial public duties and represented Britain on visits abroad. His tours of North America in 1860 and of the Indian subcontinent in 1875 proved popular successes, but despite public approval, his reputation as a playboy prince soured his relationship with his mother.

As king, Edward played a role in the modernization of the British Home Fleet and the reorganization of the British Army after the Second Boer War of 1899–1902. 
He re-instituted traditional ceremonies as public displays and broadened the range of people with whom royalty socialized. He fostered good relations between Britain and other European countries, especially France, for which he was popularly called "Peacemaker", but his relationship with his nephew, the German Emperor Wilhelm II, was poor. 
The Edwardian era, which covered Edward's reign and was named after him, coincided with the start of a new century and heralded significant changes in technology and society, including steam turbine propulsion and the rise of socialism. 
He died in 1910 in the midst of a constitutional crisis that was resolved the following year by the Parliament Act 1911, which restricted the power of the unelected House of Lords. Edward was succeeded by his only surviving son, George V. 
Albert was born on Aug 26 1819. Albert died on Dec 14 1861; he was 42.  On Feb 10 1840, when Albert was 20, he married Victoria.
They had the following children.
i. Alfred DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA (1844 - 1900).
ii. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa PRINCESA REAL (1840 - 1901).
iii. Edward VII KING OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (1841 - 1910).
iv. Alice GRAND DUCHESS OF HESSE AND BY RHINE (1843 - 1878).
vi. Louise DUCHESS OF ARGYLL (1848 - 1939).
vii. Arthur DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND STRATHEARN (1850 - 1942).
viii. Leopold DUKE OF ALBANY (1853 - 1884).
ix. Beatrice OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (1857 - 1944)

Edward VII - The Playboy King Documentary, Rafael Alberto Vilagut. A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut -

lunes, 24 de abril de 2023

What is history's deadliest pandemic?

Costa Rica Travel Alert: CDC Issues Malaria Outbreak Warning By
Tico Times, April 23, 2023.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, has issued a warning regarding an outbreak of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Limón, Costa Rica. In addition, there is also malaria transmission in Alajuela Province. Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that is transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes.

It is important for individuals traveling to Limón or Alajuela Province to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites and take a prescription antimalarial drug. This is particularly important for individuals who may be at higher risk of infection, including those who are traveling for extended periods of time, those who will be spending time in rural areas, and those who have compromised immune systems.

Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to protect against malaria. Travelers should use insect repellent, wear protective clothing, and use bed nets when sleeping. In addition, travelers should take a prescription antimalarial drug prior to travel to reduce the risk of infection.

It is important for travelers to speak to their healthcare professionals about which antimalarial drug is best for them. The choice of antimalarial drug will depend on a number of factors, including the individual’s health status, the specific destination, and the duration of travel. Some antimalarial drugs may have side effects and may not be suitable for all travelers.

If you develop symptoms of malaria, such as fever, chills, sweats, headache, vomiting, or body aches, it is important to seek medical care immediately. Malaria is a medical emergency, and appropriate treatment should not be delayed. Delaying treatment can lead to serious complications and even death.

The Costa Rican Ministry of Health is also conducting investigations and asking residents to take measures to avoid mosquito bites. Travelers should be aware of these efforts and take appropriate precautions to protect themselves.

What is history's deadliest pandemic? Malaria in U.S. Traveler to Costa Rica (2018,
On May 4, 2018, a case of P. falciparum malaria in a U.S. traveler who returned from Costa Rica was reported to CDC. The 54-year-old man was traveling in the Osa Peninsula in Puntarenas Province in Costa Rica from April 7–20, 2018, for ecotourism. Seven days after returning, he developed fever, body aches, and gastrointestinal symptoms, and was admitted to the hospital. Thick and thin blood smears for malaria were negative, but the malaria rapid diagnostic test was positive. Further testing with polymerase chain reaction confirmed P. falciparum malaria. This patient was treated with atovaquone-proguanil and fully recovered. Costa Rica had no local transmission of malaria from 2013 through most of 2016. Then, at the end of 2016, 4 cases of locally transmitted P. vivax were reported, and again in 2017 9 cases of P. vivax were reported, all in the northern part of the country. The Osa Peninsula is in the southern part of Costa Rica bordering a part of Panama that has had rare P. falciparum cases, but none in the previous two years. Because of the very limited transmission, travelers to this area had been previously advised to practice only mosquito avoidance measures to prevent malaria.
CDC recommends that travelers to the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica take medications to prevent malaria. Effective antimalarial options include atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, and mefloquine.

As malaria and other diseases are spread by mosquito bites, CDC recommends that travelers use mosquito avoidance measures. These measures include using insect repellent when outdoors, wearing protective clothing, staying in an air-conditioned or well-screened area, and sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net.

CDC will continue to monitor the malaria situation in Costa Rica and will update these recommendations as needed.

See the CDC malaria website for additional health information about malaria including prevention of mosquito bites and drugs for malaria prevention. For general health information for travelers to all areas of the world, see the CDC Traveler’s Health website.
Rafael Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 24-04-2023.

domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Germany and the United Kingdom. King Charles's 32 grandfather is Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.


Germany and the United Kingdom.  King Charles's 32 grandfather is Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.  Rafael Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 23-04-2023.
Britain has slumped from Germany's fifth most important trading partner to 11th in 2022, behind the Czech Republic.
King Charles spoke on March 29 of the "enduring value" of the relationship between the United Kingdom and Germany, saying in his first state visit abroad since ascending the throne last year that he would do all he could to strengthen connections.
As a mark of respect, fighter jets escorted Charles' plane into Berlin, where he became the first visiting head of state to be given a ceremonial welcome at the capital's most famous landmark, the Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of Germany's division during the Cold War and subsequent reunification.

The King was greeted with military honours at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate earlier in the day as he began his visit to Germany, part of efforts to reset Britain's relations with Europe after its 2020 departure from the European Union.
"I have been struck by the warmth of the friendship between our nations," Charles said in a speech, delivered partly in German, at a state banquet in the German capital hosted by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Highlighting the "generosity of spirit of the German people", the British monarch paid tribute to the nation's hospitality in hosting more than one million Ukrainian refugees.

In his ongoing focus on sustainability, Charles credited German expertise in organic farming as "greatly improving my own farms and soil". 


Germany vs United Kingdom  - Country Comparison 2022,

Charles, who succeeded his mother Queen Elizabeth upon her death at 96 in September, had been due to travel first to France, but cancelled that part of the tour due to violent social unrest there.

The fact that Charles had picked European powers France and Germany for his first state visit, even before his coronation in May, was an important "European gesture", said Steinmeier, who greeted Charles and his wife Queen Consort Camilla in Berlin.

"Today, exactly six years after Britain started its exit from the European Union, we are opening a new chapter in our relations," Steinmeier said.

King Charles's 32 grandfather is Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.  Names:      King Charles mother Elizabeth II  father George VI father George V  father Edward VII father Edward VII King of the United Kingdom mother Victoria Queen of England father Edward Duke of Kent and Strathearn father George III father Frederick Prince of Wales father George II King of England father George I King of Great Britain and Ireland mother Sophia of the Palatinate mother Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia father James VI of Scotland mother Mary of Scotland father James V of Scotland mother Margaret Tudor mother Elizabeth of York father Eduard IV father Richard of York father Richard of Conisburgh mother Isabel de Castilla father Pedro I de Castilla de Castilla father Alfonso XI el Justiciero de Castilla father Fernando IV de Castilla father Sancho IV el Bravo de Castilla father Alfonso X el Sabio de Castilla mother Elisabeth of Swabia von Hohenstaufen father Philipp von Schwaben father Frederick I Holy Roman Emperor father Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen, Herzog von Schwaben mother Agnes von Waiblingen father Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.

Alfonso XI of Castile is the common ancestor between king of the United Kingdom and this server.
Charles III mother Elizabeth II  father George VI King of the United Kingdom father George V King of the United Kingdom father Edward VII King of the United Kingdom father Edward VII King of the United Kingdom mother Victoria Queen of England father Edward Duke of Kent and Strathearn father George III King of the United Kingdom father Frederick Prince of Wales father George II King of England father George I King of Great Britain and Ireland mother Sophia of the Palatinate mother Isabel Estuardo Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia father James VI of Scotland mother Mary of Scotland father James V of Scotland mother Margarita Tudor Margaret Tudor mother Isabel de York father Eduardo IV de Inglaterra father Ricardo de York father Ricardo de Conisburgh mother Isabel de Castilla father Pedro I de Castilla de Castilla father Alfonso XI el Justiciero de Castilla (Alfonso XI of Castile) son Enrique II de Trastámara de Castilla daughter Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de Leon son Enrique I.C. de Guzmán son Juan Alonso I.D. Pérez de Guzmán son Enrique I.D. Pérez de Guzmán y Meneses son Juan Alonso I.D. Pérez de Guzmán son Pedro de Guzmán y Zúñiga daughter Ana Félix de Guzmán son Francisco de los Cobos son Francisco Cobos Vallejo son Manuel Cobos izquierdo daughter Juana de Cobos Arranz son Manuel Arranz de Cobos daughter Juliana Arranz Pastor son Florencio de la Fuente Arranz daughter Agustina de la Natividad de la Fuente Frutos daughter Agustina de Sanfrutos daughter Eugenia Pascual-Sanfrutos son Julián Martín Pascual daughter Consuelo Martín Martín son Emilio Vilagut-Martin son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.
King Charles switches between fluent German and English, Alberto Vilagut. A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut -

sábado, 22 de abril de 2023

The House of Normandy. Facts of Saint George of Lydda patron saint of England, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Georgia, Spain, and Russia.

Facts of Saint George of Lydda patron saint of England, Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Georgia, as well as Catalonia and Aragon in Spain, and Moscow in Russia.  Rafael Alberto Vilagut, A cross-cultural manager - CEO and founder of the 2nd Chance M2O Movement. Telegram/youtube @ralviv, 22-04-2023.
Episode dedicated to my godson and nephew Jordi A. Canelón-Vilagut, a fellow student at the University of Costa Rica who is a victim of international crimes against humanity committed by the rector Dr. Henning Jensen Pennington Jensen Pennington, a luxury pensioner, the transition rector Dr. Carlos Eduardo Araya Leandro and the current rector, Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez Espeleta, who abusing his authority in 2015 disapplied a law and international agreement in force since 1966 between Venezuela and Costa Rica, to this day the damage has not been repaired to hundreds of affected Venezuelan families who were forced to leave Costa Rica due to the arbitrariness committed by the hierarchs of the National Council of Rectors, the Ministry of Education, and the Presidency of the Republic of Costa Rica, Dr. Rodrigo Alberto de Jesús Chaves-Robles.
"Recordant el meu cosí el meu germà putatiu barceloní Jordi Valero, el periodista Jordi Vilagut i tots els que celebrin aquesta data".
Palau Sant Jordi is an indoor sporting arena and multi-purpose installation that is part of the Olympic Ring complex located in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Designed by the Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, it was opened in 1990. The maximum seating capacity of the arena is 17,960. It is the largest indoor arena in Spain.

The Palau Sant Jordi was one of the main venues of the 1992 Summer Olympics hosting the artistic gymnastics, handball final, and volleyball final events. Today, it is used for a variety of indoor sports events as well as for concerts and other cultural activities, due to its great flexibility. 
Hewn out of solid rock, the extraordinary church of St. George (Bet Giorgis), Ethiopia, represents one of the wonders of the medieval world. Dating from the late 12th or early 13th century AD, the construction of the church is ascribed to King Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, one of the last kings of the Zagwe dynasty. It is located near the town of Lalibela, which is situated roughly 640 km north of the country’s capital, Addis Ababa. This town contains a remarkable collection of monolithic, rock-cut churches. Eleven in total, these buildings were erected in and around the year 1200 and are a testament to the skills of Ethiopia’s medieval stone masons.

The church of St. George Ethiopia stands proud in a 25m by 25m wide pit that is carved out of solid volcanic rock. The construction of the church involved excavating a free-standing block of stone out of the bed-rock and then removing all the waste material from around it. The stone masons then carefully chiseled away the church outline, shaping both the exterior and interior of the building as they went. They fashioned a simple yet exceptionally beautiful cruciform structure approximately 12 m high.

The church contains three west-facing doorways, nine ‘blind’ lower level windows, and twelve upper-row windows. A number of the windows are embellished with carved semi-­palette cross motifs, while the roof of the structure contains a sequence of Greek crosses in relief, one inside the other. The church grounds are accessed via a descending trench and tunnel, which allow access to a sunken courtyard surrounding the building. This contains a small baptismal pool, while its vertical walls have a number of caves that are used as basic housing for priests and as burial tombs.  Still a place of pilgrimage for members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church,  Bet Giorgis (St. George’s) now forms part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela“. 

Saint George Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky is one of a dozen surviving white-stone churches which were built in Vladimir-Suzdal Principality in northeastern Rus prior to the Mongol invasion. Constructed between 1230 and 1234, the cathedral was also the last of these churches to be built, completed just three years before the invasion. Unlike most of the other pre-Mongol Vladimir-Suzdal churches, the St. George Cathedral was not designated as a World Heritage site.

The cathedral was designated by the Russian government as an architectural monument of federal significance.   In the 12th century, the political and cultural center of Rus slowly moved from Kiev to Vladimir. Yuryev-Polsky was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy, prince of Rostov and Suzdal, in 1152. The name of the town derives from St. George (Russian Yuri is one of the versions of the name George). Yury Dolgorukiy also built the cathedral consecrated to St. George, which stood inside the fortress. It is presumed that the cathedral was similar to the Saint Saviour Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky and to the Saint Boris and Saint Gleb Church in Kideksha, which survived to our days. Yuri's son, Andrey Bogolyubsky, moved the capital of the principality to Vladimir, and Yuryev-Polsky remained under the control of Vladimir princes until 1212.
St. George's Cathedral is a baroque-rococo cathedral located in the city of Lviv, the historic capital of western Ukraine. It was constructed between 1744-1760 on a hill overlooking the city. This is the third manifestation of a church to inhabit the site since the 13th century, and its prominence has repeatedly made it a target for invaders and vandals. The cathedral also holds a predominant position in Ukrainian religious and cultural terms. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the cathedral served as the mother church of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

A church has stood on St. George Hill since around 1280, dating back to a time when the area was still part of the Principality of Halych-Volhynia. After the original wooden church and the fortress it was situated in were destroyed by King Casimir III of Poland in 1340, a four-column Byzantine basilica was constructed for the local Eastern Orthodox Church. In July 1700, the Act of Unification of the Lviv archeparchy with the Holy See (the Bishop of Rome – the Pope) was proclaimed in this older version of St. George's when Bishop Joseph Shumlanskyi openly embraced the Union of Brest (1596).

Construction of the present Cathedral was started in 1746 by Metropolitan Athanasius Sheptytsky and finished in 1762 by Leo Sheptytsky. Following the necessity of transferring the seat of the metropolitan Church to Lviv in the 1800s, St. George's Cathedral became the mother church of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC).

After the Second World War, Soviet authorities began persecuting the UGCC, imprisoning the newly ordained Archbishop of Lviv, Josyf Slipyj, in 1945, as well as the rest of the church hierarchy. In March 1946, the cathedral hosted the Synod of Lviv, which nullified the Union of Brest. A young Volodymyr Sterniuk (future archbishop and leader of the UGCC), concealed in the church loft, witnessed the decision to join the Metropolinate of Halychyna with the Russian Orthodox Church, along with the rest of the catholic parishes across Soviet Ukraine. The Cathedral was reconsecrated as Saint Yury's, and became the mother church of the Lvіv-Ternopіl diocese. 
There is little information on the early life of George. Herbert Thurston in The Catholic Encyclopedia states that based upon an ancient cultus, narratives of the early pilgrims, and the early dedications of churches to George, going back to the fourth century, "there seems, therefore, no ground for doubting the historical existence of St. George", although no faith can be placed in either the details of his history or his alleged exploits.
Saint George of Lydda, was a Christian who is venerated as a saint in Christianity. According to tradition, he was a soldier in the Roman army. Saint George was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origin and a member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith. He became one of the most venerated saints and megalomartyrs in Christianity, and he has been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades. He is respected by Christians, Druze, as well as some Muslims as a martyr of the monotheistic faith.

In hagiography, as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and one of the most prominent military saints, he is immortalized in the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. His memorial, Saint George's Day, is traditionally celebrated on 23 April. Historically, the countries of England, Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Georgia, as well as Catalonia and Aragon in Spain, and Moscow in Russia, have claimed George as their patron saint, as have several other regions, cities, universities, professions, and organizations. The Church-Mosque of Saint George in Lod (Lydda), Israel, contains a sarcophagus.

The Diocletianic Persecution of 303, associated with military saints because the persecution was aimed at Christians among the professional soldiers of the Roman army, is of undisputed historicity. According to Donald Attwater, no historical particulars of his life have survived.  The widespread veneration for St George as a soldier saint from early times had its centre in Palestine at Diospolis, now Lydda. St George was apparently martyred there, at the end of the third or the beginning of the fourth century; that is all that can be reasonably surmised about him.
Edward Gibbon argued that George, or at least the legend from which the above is distilled, is based on George of Cappadocia, a notorious 4th-century Arian bishop who was Athanasius of Alexandria's most bitter rival and that it was he who in time became George of England. This identification is seen as highly improbable. Bishop George was slain by Gentile Greeks for exacting onerous taxes, especially inheritance taxes. J. B. Bury, who edited the 1906 edition of Gibbon's The Decline and Fall, wrote "This theory of Gibbon's has nothing to be said for it". He adds that "the connection of St. George with a dragon-slaying legend does not relegate him to the region of the myth". Saint George in all likelihood was martyred before the year 290.


Inside St. George's Chapel at Winsdor Castle. The Powerful Meaning of St George | Joseph Campbell and Jonathan Pageau, Brief History Of William The Conqueror - William I Of England,

The House of Normandy designates the noble family which originates from the Duchy of Normandy and whose members were counts of Rouen, dukes of Normandy, as well as kings of England following the Norman conquest of England. It lasted until the House of Plantagenet came to power in 1154. The house emerged from the union between the Viking Rollo (first ruler of Normandy) and Poppa of Bayeux, a West Frankish noblewoman. William the Conqueror and his heirs down through 1135 were members of this dynasty. After that, it was disputed between William's grandchildren, Matilda, whose husband Geoffrey was the founder of the House of Plantagenet, and Stephen of the House of Blois (or Blesevin dynasty).

The Norman counts of Rouen were:

Rollo, 911–927.
William Longsword, 927–942.

The Norman dukes of Normandy were:

Richard I, 942–996.
Richard II, 996–1027.
Richard III, 1026–1027.
Robert I, 1027–1035.
William, 1035–1066 (became King of England as William the Conqueror).

The Norman monarchs of England and Normandy were:

William the Conqueror, 1066–1087.
William II, 1087–1100 (not Duke of Normandy).
Robert II, 1087–1106 (not King of England).
Henry I, 1100–1135; 1106–1135.
William Adelin, 1120 (not King of England).
Matilda, 1135–1153.
Stephen (non-agnatic; a member of the House of Blois), 1135–1154.

Norman Count of Flanders:

William Clito (r. 1127–1128), son of Robert Curthose, great-grandson of Baldwin V, was designated by Louis VI of France.

Guillem I d'Anglaterra, William the Conqueror's 31 grandson is Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.  Details and Names:      William the Conqueror (1028-1087) son Henry I of England King of England daughter Mathilde l`Emperesse de la maison de Normandie son King Henry II of England daughter Eleanor of England Queen de Castilla daughter 1) Urraca of Castile Queen of Portugal son King Afonso III de Bourgogne Rei de Portugal e Algarve son 5) Martim Afonso Chichorro daughter Maria Afonso Chichorro daughter Maria Gonçalves Briteiros son Dom João Lourenço da Cunha son João Álvares da Cunha son Rui Afonso de Melo son Rui de Melo da Cuhna son Alférez Álvaro de Alfonso daughter Isabel de Acuña y Berrio daughter María Pereira Cardoso daughter Juana Gómez daughter Ana Gómez daughter María De La Portilla daughter Catalina Mora daughter María Monterroso son Andrés Arias son Felipe Arias son José T. Arias son Luis Arias son Antonio Arias son José María Arias-Zumbado son Manuel Maria Arias Ugalde daughter María Manuela D.J. Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega. 

Eleanor of England Queen de Castilla (1161-1214) daughter 2)  Berenguela de Castilla son 3) Fernando III Rey de Castilla y de León son Alfonso X el Sabio de Castilla son Sancho IV el Bravo de Castilla son Fernando IV de Castilla son Alfonso XI el Justiciero de Castilla son Enrique II de Trastámara de Castilla daughter Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de Leon son Enrique de Guzmán son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Enrique Pérez de Guzmán y Meneses son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Pedro de Guzmán y Zúñiga daughter Ana Félix de Guzmán son Francisco de los Cobos son Francisco Cobos Vallejo son Manuel Cobos izquierdo daughter Juana de Cobos Arranz son Manuel Arranz de Cobos daughter Juliana Arranz Pastor son Florencio de la Fuente Arranz daughter Agustina de la Natividad de la Fuente Frutos daughter Agustina de Sanfrutos daughter Eugenia Pascual-Sanfrutos son Julián Martín Pascual daughter Consuelo Martín Martín son Emilio Vilagut-Martin son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

Berenguela de Castilla son 4) Alfonso de Molina daughter María Alfonso de Meneses y Molina son Fernando IV de Castilla son Alfonso XI el Justiciero de Castilla son Enrique II de Trastámara de Castilla daughter Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de Leon son Enrique de Guzmán son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Enrique Pérez de Guzmán y Meneses son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Pedro de Guzmán y Zúñiga daughter Ana Félix de Guzmán son Francisco de los Cobos son Francisco Cobos Vallejo son Manuel Cobos izquierdo daughter Juana de Cobos Arranz son Manuel Arranz de Cobos daughter Juliana Arranz Pastor son Florencio de la Fuente Arranz daughter Agustina de la Natividad de la Fuente Frutos daughter Agustina de Sanfrutos daughter Eugenia Pascual-Sanfrutos son Julián Martín Pascual daughter Consuelo Martín Martín son Emilio Vilagut-Martin son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

King Afonso III de Bourgogne Rei de Portugal e Algarve son 6) Dionisio I de Portugal daughter 7) Constanza de Portugal son Alfonso XI el Justiciero de Castilla son Enrique II de Trastámara de Castilla daughter Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de Leon son Enrique de Guzmán son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Enrique Pérez de Guzmán y Meneses son Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán son Pedro de Guzmán y Zúñiga daughter Ana Félix de Guzmán son Francisco de los Cobos son Francisco Cobos Vallejo son Manuel Cobos izquierdo daughter Juana de Cobos Arranz son Manuel Arranz de Cobos daughter Juliana Arranz Pastor son Florencio de la Fuente Arranz daughter Agustina de la Natividad de la Fuente Frutos daughter Agustina de Sanfrutos daughter Eugenia Pascual-Sanfrutos son Julián Martín Pascual daughter Consuelo Martín Martín son Emilio Vilagut-Martin son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

Dionisio I de Portugal daughter 8) Maria Alonso de Portugal daughter Leonor Lopez de Haro y Alonso son Diego Pérez Sarmiento de Villamayor y Haro daughter Beatriz Sarmiento de Villamayor son Ramiro Nuñez De Guzman daughter Leonor de Guzmán y Bázan son Luis Ruiz de Valdivia y Guzman son Diego Ruiz de Valdivia y Guzmán daughter Isabel Gutierrez de Valdivia son Alvaro Gutierrez de Valdivia y Diaz son Alonso Gutiérrez Hernández son Ambrosio El Viejo de Brenes y Vindas daughter 9) Gerónima Tomasina de Brenes Jiménez daughter Magdalena González de Brenes daughter Andrea González González daughter Bárbara Bogantes González daughter Manuela Ramírez Bogantes son José Elías Muñoz Ramírez daughter Úrsula Jacoba Muñoz Ugalde daughter Josefa Isabel Zamora Muñoz daughter Juana Josefa Camacho-Zamora daughter María Manuela Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

Hernández son Ambrosio El Viejo de Brenes y Vindas daughter 10) María de Brenes y Jiménez daughter Inés Olivares Brenes daughter 11) Victoria Jiménez son José T. Arias son Luis Arias son Antonio Arias son José María Arias-Zumbado son Manuel Maria Arias Ugalde daughter María Manuela D.J. Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

Inés Olivares Brenes daughter 12) Francisca Jiménez Olivares daughter Manuela de Oviedo y Jimenez son Manuel del Espíritu Santo Arias Oviedo daughter María Ignacia Arias Alfaro son Francisco Ugalde Arias daughter Bernardina Ugalde Bolaños son 13) Manuel Maria Arias Ugalde daughter María Manuela D.J. Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega.

Bernardina Ugalde Bolaños daughter 14) María Fulgencia Arias-Ugalde son Juan Jerónimo Rodríguez-Arias daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega


William The Conqueror - William I Of England.

Rafael Alberto Vilagut. A cross-cultural manager. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costa Rican🧑 Costa Rica/EUA/UE. © COPYRIGHT 2009 - 2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut -