sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Essential Oils for Sagittarius

Starling Farm - Spice Trip Cambodia - Black Pepper youtube

Pepper has been used for thousands of years for malaria, cholera, and several digestive problems. It has analgesic, anticatarrhal, anti-inflamatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, laxative, rubefacient, and stimulant properties.

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) is the signature oil for Sagittarius. Black Pepper is an oil that ‘gets straight to the point’ like the Archer’s arrow, whether the ‘point’ is a stiff, painful muscle or a tired mind. Also: Anise, Cedarwood, Clove, Frankincense, Ginger, juniper, Nutmeg, Orange, Rose, Sage.

For Yang Sagittarius combine Black Pepper with Ginger – which brings strength and courage to support their love of life and Orange to bring in positive energy and joy. For Yin Sagittarius combine Black Pepper with Frankincense to keep grounded and centered and Rose to promote love, compassion, hope and patience.

Yang Sagittarius
Black Pepper – 1 drop
Ginger – 1 drop
Orange – 4 drops

Yin Sagittarius
Black Pepper – 1 drop
Frankincense – 1 drop
Rose – 1 drop

Oral Use As Dietary Supplement: Black Pepper essential oil is generally recognized as safe for human consumption in the USA. Dilute one drop oil in one tsp. honey or in 4 oz. of beverage. Not for children under 6 years old. 

Shop for products: Select the country that this order will be shipping to. This information is used to determine the availability of products and prices and begging shopping at http://www.mydoterra.com/rvilagut/.

Welcome to my essential wellness doTERRA store! Rafael A Vilagut English-Spanish spoken.

Rafael A. Vilagut contact us.
doTERRA Wellness Advocate

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