martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

What is a Essential Oil? Where and how to buy?

What is a doTERRA Essential Oil? youtube Watch this video and consider the endless applications of these gifts from the earth!

There are no wasted efforts in nature. Have you ever wondered what the role of essential oils is in seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants? Essential oils play key roles reproductive, protective, and regenerative purposes. 

Have you ever squeezed an orange peel or walked through a garden of flowers and enjoyed their fragrances? If so, you have already experienced an example of the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils are found in the bark, seeds, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. While essential oils are vital in the development and health of plants, individuals have long been able to benefit from their natural benefits in many aspects of day-to-day life.

Essential oils have been used for centuries in many cultures for their therapeutic qualities and have profound health benefits in the hands of experienced users. Single oils and even complex blends are effectively used in the following three ways:

1.Aromatic: The volatile nature of essential oils allows them to be easily evaporated and diffused throughout a larger space. Using this application method helps create an atmosphere where several individuals can enjoy the calming, stimulating, and soothing benefits of essential oils.

2.Topical: Essential oils are safely and easily absorbed by the skin allowing you to use a variety of topical application techniques to different parts of your body.

3.Internal: Whether you are taking capsules or the oil itself, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions.

There are two major factors that play a role in the effectiveness and quality of essential oils:

1. Plant Potency:

When selecting which plants are to be used for essential oil production, it is important that the plant is grown in the correct soil, temperature, and climate. When these factors are optimal, the plant will be able to reach its highest potency.

2. Oil Purity:

When oils contain fillers or other elements that dilute and alter their purity, their ability to function at their highest capacity is compromised. In order to enjoy all the benefits of essential oils, they must be used in their purest form.

Why You Should Choose doTERRA Essential Oils youtube

dōTERRA has set the bar for essential oil purity and potency through rigorous scientific research and advanced testing of each oil that is put into production. As you implement dōTERRA essential oils into your life, you will be able to see firsthand the CPTG difference.

Becoming a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate is an amazing opportunity to purchase CPTG essential oils at 25 percent below the retail cost. With an enrollment charge of $35 dollars you will have access to many business and product tools that will help you enjoy the benefits of living, sharing, and building with dōTERRA essential oils and wellness products.

Renewal Fee

After becoming a Wellness Advocate, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $25 US. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils dōTERRA offers, a retail value of $27.33.

Purchasing Product

When you become a Wellness Advocate, you will be given a wholesale membership number and will be prompted to create a password. Once you have obtained your membership ID number, you can purchase products online by visiting or by contacting member services toll free at 800-411-8151.

Creating an Order

When creating an order as a Wellness Advocate you will have two main options:

Creating a Standard Order: This type of order can be placed at any time online or through member services. A standard order is a wholesale order that qualifies you for 25 percent in savings.

Creating a Loyalty Rewards Order (LRP): This is the smartest way to purchase products at dōTERRA. This is an auto-ship program that not only allows you to purchase products at wholesale prices, but also allows you the opportunity to earn 10–30 percent of your total purchase in free product points.  Source:  Welcome to dōTERRA University.

Becoming a doTERRA Wellness Advocate youtube

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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