jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

R&D numbers for nearly every country in the world in 2017

Put together the numbers for the U.S. ($476.5 billion) and China ($370.6 billion), and it amounts to 47.0% of total global R&D expenditures. Add in Japan and Germany, and the total goes to 62.5%.  About 10 countries account for 80% of spending.

Today’s Visualcapitalist infographic comes to us from HowMuch.net, and it compares RD numbers for nearly every country in the world. It uses data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics adjusted for purchasing-power parity (PPP).

Samsung Electronics (South Korea) tops RD investment list, spending 13.4 bil. euros in 2017: EU report, https://youtu.be/P4covBiaxHU

Samsung has been the world's largest television manufacturer since 2006, and the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones since 2011. It is also the world's largest memory chips manufacturer. In July 2017, Samsung Electronics overtook Intel as the largest semiconductor chip maker in the world.

Samsung was followed in the rankings by Google's holding company Alphabet, German auto giant Volkswagen, Microsoft and Chinese tech firm Huawei. 

Samsung Electronics might have outmatched its rivals when it comes to total R&D spending, but its 7.2% ratio of R&D spending to revenue was lower than rivals Intel, which spent 20.9% on R&D, and Huawei, which spent 14.7% of its revenue on R&D.

South Korea and Japan allocate the highest portion of their economies to RD, which is part of the reason they rank so highly on the list in absolute terms as well.

En América Latina tenemos mucho camino que recorrer, aparte de Brasil, México y Argentina, seguidos de Colombia, Chile y Ecuador, Venezuela no figura en las estadísticas.  Cuba, Puerto Rico y Costa Rica lideran el Caribe y América Central.  Después viene el chiripero...

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