lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Tom Schreiter: “Ice Breakers” to say to your prospects.

W-MOB - (must see) Big Al Icebreakers - Thank you Tom Schreiter 
Ice Breakers! How To Get Any Prospect To Beg You For A Presentation
I am just curious…
I just found out…
Would it be oker if…?

As the author of numerous books and audio trainings, Tom Schreiter is a favorite speaker at company conventions and regional events.

... It is impossible to sell or sponsor if we don’t have interested prospects. Create unlimited Ice Breakers on-demand. Your distributors will no longer be afraid of prospecting, instead, they will love prospecting.

It is much more fun when we are in control. Distributors want to work hard, but just don’t know what to say. Their opening random remarks ruin their chances and they suffer bad experiences. That experience trains them to avoid prospecting.

But with trained words and phrases, everything changes. Quick and positive results. Prospecting is fun again.

Want more young people on your team with energy?

Here are some “Ice Breakers” to say to younger prospects:

* “How about a career where all you had to do was take five coffee breaks a day, and chit-chat with people?”

* “Well, you know how student loan payments makes life tough? I found out how to get them paid off, without touching your salary.”

* “I just found out how we don’t have to work 45 years like our parents.”

* ”I just found out how we can take a five-day weekend instead of two.”

* “Would it be okay if you could set your own work schedule so you could travel and have fun?"

* ”Would it be okay if you could have a career that is more fun than working in an office?”

* “I just found out how we can get an extra paycheck.”

* “I am just curious, would you like to take a holiday, and have someone else pay for it?”

“Ice Breakers” moves the conversation from social chit-chat, and introduces our business in a socially-acceptable way to our prospects.

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