sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2019

Who is Iranian-American entrepreneur Patrick Bet-Davids?

4 quotes from Art Williams: 'I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.', 'All you can do is all you can do. But all you can do is enough', and 'Remember, before you can be great, you’ve got to be good. Before you can be good, you’ve got to be bad. But before you can even be bad, you’ve got to try.'

Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen T -some Gen X, as me- by teaching thought-provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. 

Think Like A Grand Master Entrepreneur- 2019 Driven Keynote.

Patrick speaks on a range of business, leadership and entrepreneurial topics including how and why to become an entrepreneur and the importance of learning how to fully process issues. He is particularly passionate about the need for every individual to pursue their desires.

Patrick Bet-David (born 1978) is an Iranian-American entrepreneur and financial advisoVar. Now he has an internet store as well: Valuetainment.

He was born in Iran; his parents were of Assyrian and Armenian descent.  In the late 1980s he fled Iran with his father during the Iran–Iraq War; they lived for two years in a refugee camp in Germany before migrating to the US in 1990, when Bet-David was 12 years old. The family was eventually granted US citizenship. After high school he enlisted in the US army and served with the 101st Airborne Division.

After leaving the Army he got a job at Morgan Stanley. In 2009, he launched a website called Saving America and later a radio show broadcast in Los Angeles. Later that year he opened a financial services agency called PHP Agency.

Patrick recomends a list of Top 100 Books for entrepreneurs including one of my favorites Art Williams Pushing Up People. ¿How many have you read yet? 

Rafael A. Vilagut, digital entrepreneur.

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