lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

A higher standard in security: Bitcoin Vault P2P e-cash 2019 advanced paper.

A higher standard in security: Bitcoin Vault P2P e-cash 2019 advanced paper, by Rafael A. Vilagut.

BTCV: Actor vs. spectator?
2009, Bitcoin BTC is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.
2019, Bitcoin Vault, BTCV a higher standard in security.
2020-2023, if we loose we loose, but if we win we become billonaires.

Docu Bitcoin - The end of Money,

The documentaries on business history of "NEW BITCOIN VAULT", will be produced until 2030+, you and I could be the protagonists NOW March 2020 there will be 7.8 billion spectators, who will be invisible to the Mining City opportunity, as It happened from 2009 6.8 billion to 2012 7.1 billion spectators with Bitcoin.
MBA Rafael A. Vilagut, venezuelan historian, Master of business engineering with emphasis in finance, energy trader, author, blockchain and bitcoin vault internet-cripto-entrepreneur.


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