jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Este junio 27: Global Goal: Unite For Our Future.

Global Goal: Unite For Our Future.

A campaign, concert and summit calling on citizens to tackle global injustices by using our collective voice to drive change for everyone, everywhere.

This campaign will also be advocating for funding to ensure all communities have the resources needed to respond and rebuild, getting the world back on track to achieving the SDGs, and ensuring all people have the necessary economic, health and educational resources to survive the pandemic and grow more resilient.

Unite with Global Citizen, the European Commission, top artists and global leaders to end COVID-19, build equity for all and fight for the world we want.  Premiering worldwide June 27, 2020.

Global Goal: Unite For Our Future.

"Dear world leaders, Coronavirus affects all of us. With no respect for borders, the pandemic has shown just how interconnected our world is, and the need for us to be united in our response. We are all in this together, but COVID-19 has especially affected the poorest and most vulnerable across our world. Our reaction must not reflect that same inequality. Please work together to urgently develop tests, treatments and vaccines against COVID-19, and ensure they’re available to everyone, everywhere — not just the privileged few. As the virus is brought under control, I call on you to also address its dire impact on those who are already most vulnerable: make sure the progress we have seen in tackling hunger, gender inequality, education, and the climate crisis, are not lost to the hands of the pandemic. To do this the international organizations leading the response to this pandemic — from the WHO and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to those working to alleviate hunger, support water and sanitation, and ensure quality education and more — must have the full support of governments everywhere. Let’s build back better for a more equal future. If we work together, we can emerge from this crisis stronger, more united, and safer. Unite for our future."

Let’s get to work! Sign the petition, make sure the world’s most vulnerable are protected against COVID-19.

Sony Channel Latin America 

How: Sony Channel 
When: June 27 | 8PM ET (Miami) | 7PM CDT (Mexico) | 7PM COT (Colombia) | 9PM ART (Argentina) | 3PM & 9pm BRT (Brazil) | 8PM VET (Venezuela) | 8PM CLT (Chile) | 7PM ET (Panama) | 6PM CST (Guatemala, COSTA RICA).

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