lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022

China, UK, Japan, EU, The USA trilemma: growth, inflation, and financial stability.


China, UK, Japan, EU, The USA trilemma: growth, inflation, and financial stability. Bond yields around the world coming down on growth concerns, Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz, and Gramercy Advisor and president of Queens College, Cambridge, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss market activity around the world, financial stability concerns behind the Fed slowdown, and global currency tensions.

What Are Growth Rates?

Growth rates refer to the percentage change of a specific variable within a particular period. Growth rates can either be positive or negative depending on whether the size of the variable is increasing or decreasing over time. Growth rates were first used by biologists studying population sizes, but have since been used in studying economic activity, corporate management, or investment returns.

What Is Inflation?

Inflation is a rise in prices, which can be translated as the decline of purchasing power over time. The rate at which purchasing power drops can be reflected in the average price increase of a basket of selected goods and services over some time. The rise in prices often expressed as a percentage, means that a unit of currency effectively buys less than it did in prior periods. Inflation can be contrasted with deflation, which occurs when prices decline and purchasing power increases.

What Is the Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR)?

The Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) is a semiannual report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that assesses the stability of global financial markets and emerging-market financing. It is released twice per year, in April and October.

Rafael Vilagut, San Jose - Costa Rica Monday, October 24, 2022, Entrepreneur, kindle-amazon Author 💰 investor, professor 💎 Travel lover 🌍

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