lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

from 27 BC to 2022 AD. All Roman Emperors Ranking - From Augustus to Theodosius - To the present Rafael A. Vilagut.

Timeline All Roman Emperors Ranking - From Augustus to Theodosius - To the present Rafael A. Vilagut, from 27 BC to 2022 AD. Ranking of all Roman Emperors from Augustus to Last Emperor of the United Empire, Theodosius I.

Everything ends. You can agree on good, bad, very bad and very good emperors in the Roman Empire. Yesterday October 30, 2022, the fourth largest democracy in the world -Brazil- chose an ex-convict president. Nothing happens. Bad rulers have always been and always will be.

The learning is that we are all connected and what happens in a country will affect our lives or those of our descendants.

Much of humanity are descendants of the Greeks, Romans, barbarians, even the Vikings. As shown by the timeline from the last Emperor of the undivided Roman Empire to the present day.

Relationship Summary, in total there are 56 generations. Emperor Flavius Theodosius's daughter's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson is Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega, living in Costa Rica at present.

Details from Theodosius I to Rafael Vilagut: Emperor Flavius Theodosius's daughter's son's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's daughter's son's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's son is Rafael A. Vilagut a born Venezuelan.

Names: Theodosius Comes Comes son Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome I, also called Theodosius the Great, daughter Aelia Galla Placidia Empress of Roman E son Théodoric I King of the Visigoths daughter Ragnachildis der Franken son Alaric II King of the Visigoths son King Gesalec of the Visigoths son Athanagild I.K. N son Flavio O.T. Leovigildo son Recaredo I K.O. N son Aquilo I de Coimbra son Aquilo II N son Diego de Cantabria son Duke Pedro P.O. de Cantabria son Rey Alfonso I T.C. de Asturias son Fruela I Rey d`Asturia son Ramon Romaes C.D. y Santa Marta de Ortigueira son Rodrigo Romaes C. De Monterroso II son Remón II C.D. de Monterroso son Ramón Romaes son Mendo C.D. de Rausona son Froyla Méndez de Trastámara son Conde Rodrigo Froiláz son Froila Mendes de Trastâmara son Bermudo I Forjaz de Trastâmara son Forjaz Froila Vermuis de Traba de Trastámara son Pedro C.D. Froilaz daughter Estefanía Perez de Traba daughter Urraca Rodríguez son Gonçalo Rodrigues son Rui Gonçalves son Pedro Rodrigues son Gonçalo Pires son Gonçalo Gonçalves son Álvaro Gonçalves daughter Isabel Alvares daughter Beatriz Pessanha son Rui de Melo da Cuhna son Alférez Álvaro de Alfonso daughter Isabel de Acuña y Berrio daughter María Pereira Cardoso daughter Juana Gómez daughter Ana Gómez daughter María De La Portilla daughter Catalina Mora daughter María Monterroso son Andrés Arias son Felipe Arias son José T. Arias son Luis Arias son Antonio Arias son José M. Arias son Manuel Arias daughter Manuela Arias daughter Angélica Rodríguez daughter Nydia M. Vega son Rafael A. Vilagut, also Spanish the same country of Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome I, also called Theodosius the Great, born in Coca, Segovia. 1675 years, 9 months, and 20 days ago. 

Theodosius I (11 January 347 – 17 January 395), also called Theodosius the Great, was the Roman emperor from 379 to 395. He succeeded in a crucial war against the Goths, as well as in two civil wars, and was instrumental in establishing the creed of Nicaea as the doctrine for Christianity. Theodosius was the last emperor to rule the entire Roman Empire before its administration was split between two separate courts (one western, the other eastern).

San Jose Costa Rica Monday October 31, 2022, We elaborate on your family tree of long history. Entrepreneur, kindle-amazon Author 💰 investor, professor, 💎 Travel lover 🌍🌍

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