sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Gold is money. Everything else is credit.

Janet Yellen Just Revealed New Plan (MMT Is Back) https://youtu.be/VgCRj5d4Sqs

"Gold is money. Everything else is credit." John Pierpont Morgan. San José de Costa Rica, October 22, 2022, rafaelvilagut@gmail.com Feliz y Saludable.

The risks of the following U.S. Financial Crisis are increasing. The scope of the crisis includes decreasing values of assets, a recession caused by government policies, decreases in the value of existing bonds, and significant social stress fueled by political polarization after the next 2022 midterm elections.

A review of policy actions and economic trends in the first two quarters of 2022 verifies that the risks of a crisis are increasing and nearing a tipping point from the post-midterm election to the mid-2023 period.

Ironically, in the 1780s James Madison declared that financial and economic problems were increasing stress, which threatened the stability of the U.S. In that case, the political struggles were primarily between “the class with property and the class without property.”

Much has changed in 240+ years, but history has a strange habit of repeating itself. Many people believe that concrete actions need to be taken before the U.S. reaches a point of no return.

In June, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated: “she was wrong in 2021 when she said that inflation only posed a small risk". Now, Yellen's new proposal seems to be to pay off one credit card with another.

This video ¿A different Central Bank? is terrifying because, for the credit control mechanism to affect demand, they would need to ensure no after-market where people might resell credit for alternate purposes using their collateral to back it. This would mean everyone would ultimately need to own nothing to be effective.
With the 8 billion souls of November 2022, we will witness substantial changes at the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, with digital currencies issued by central banks, financial engineering to control inflation, or both. 
Rafael A. Vilagut, ravilagut@ymail.com is a mechanical engineer and a digital entrepreneur, author, researcher, educator, trainer, and teacher. He lives and works between Caracas (Venezuela), Barcelona, Madrid (Spain), and Central America (Costa Rica). LINK: https://linktr.ee/ravilagut

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