sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Is happiness a choice, a mindset shift, or can it be bought? 


Is happiness a choice, a mindset shift, or can it be bought? San Jose Costa Rica, 26 November 2022. How to Buy Happiness With Money, https://youtu.be/Lgf3NuWFngk.

The hard reality is that the amount of happiness we experience in life is not a function of how much money we have. It’s not even about how many followers we have on social media. Deep Happiness is about committing to and doing difficult things mentally, physically, and spiritually… every day. That is the trifecta to happiness and that is the secret that nobody will ever tell you because nobody wants to admit that everything we know about happiness is wrong

We cannot expect the highest degree of significance and happiness to come about in an easy way. The opposite is actually true. The higher the degree of difficulty and sacrifice, the higher the degree of joy. This is true in all aspects of life…parenting, marriage, physical fitness, education, entrepreneurship, minimalism, yoga, meditation, heat therapy, cold therapy, breath-holding, etc, etc. The list goes on and on with examples of difficult paths that then lead to added joy and contentment.

At the end of the day the real decision is not to choose to be happy or depressed. That is impossible and a lie that is being sold to you. You can’t choose happiness. However, what you can do is to choose to go down the path that others forgo because it is scary. You can choose to complete a difficult task that will in turn lead to happiness and contentment.

Go out and do something different than you have always done. Go out and choose difficult, hard, and scary. In turn, you will see happiness not as something to pursue, but as something that will come knocking at your door as a result of your sacrifice to the pursuit of difficulty.

Read more, at https://happinesstrifecta.com/. Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent 2022, a date with meaning for Christians, which invites us to reset, start a new liturgical year and thus be happier in the rest of our lives.
In a month I will start a New Year's trip with a good friend to a city I have never been to before, which is already bringing me a lot of happiness. My advice, travel, write, ask for forgiveness, don't hold grudges, and share quality time with family and true friends. It has always worked for me in the search for happiness, rafaelvilagut@gmail.com.

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