miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

It is possible to make the trip of your dreams with this business model in the global tourism industry.


San José Costa Rica, November 16, 2022.  Controtempo 2025, Silversea's World Cruise https://youtu.be/v3e40853JTU.

Shortly before entering the university in Caracas, the high school graduates of the Colegio Instituto Escuela went on a cruise in the Caribbean, even though it was not the first time I had taken a cruise in the Caribbean, that was the most fun.

One of the most exciting experiences of my entire life was arriving in New York City on a cruise ship, accompanied by my good friends José Guillermo and Andrés Hamilton.

The world of travel clubs has changed and evolved just like the city ships that ply all the seas and oceans, and especially the segment of luxury cruises.

At the invitation of good friends from Andorra and Miami, before the pandemic, I started a project with the largest travel club in the universe, and I named it "Los Caballitos de Mar" or SeaHorses Club.

As part of the project I wrote my first four Kindle-publishing ebooks about the wonderful world of luxury and super luxury cruises like the ship in the 2025 video above: 136 days of glamor to celebrate life.

When you do a job well done, then you always reap, it can be writing a book or a song or starting a project in the network industry like inCruises.

Every week I receive good news about the expansion of my luxury and super luxury travel network from incruises and its business partners, cruise lines, hotels, airlines.

It is possible to make the trip of your dreams with this business model in the global tourism industry, for more information write to ravilagut@ymail.com thank you very much.   

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