lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

Nicaragua is an ideal destination for those looking for something different. From December 26 to January 5, I will be visiting Managua, to promote my latest book.


Nicaragua is located in the heart of Central America, an ideal destination for those looking for something different. Due to its two oceans, dozens of volcanoes, lakes, and rivers it is called the "Land of Lakes and Volcanoes".
Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America, has two coastlines: Pacific, from the shores of the Gulf of Fonseca in the department of Chinandega to El Naranjo, in Rivas, with a length of 361 kilometers; and the Caribbean, from Cabo Gracias a Dios, in the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast, RACCN, to the mouth of the San Juan River, totaling 578 kilometers.
Nicaragua allows you to enjoy nature at its best. There is a wide variety of landscapes and habitats that support different types of animal species and vegetation.
Managua is the capital and the largest city of Nicaragua and the third of Central America after Guatemala City and Tegucigalpa. In this video, we explore the main tourist attractions and portray the main landmarks of the city of Managua, Nicaragua. Top tourist attractions to visit in Managua, Nicaragua; A tourist guide in Managua 2022,
Nicaragua is a combination of nature, mysticism, and authentic flavors, which has given it the perfect touch as one of the tourist destinations that everyone should visit, and that is without mentioning its affordable prices, lively culture, and human warmth.
Today at Happy and Healthy we share 10 things you may not have known about this Central American nation.
It is in the heart of the American continent. This geographical position has favored it for having a tropical climate, two oceans, as well as being one of the interconnecting routes.
About 2,000 dishes. The gastronomy of the country is a fusion of recipes based on corn, shellfish, and coconut. In each city, there is its own dish, drink, bread, and dessert, the same for each occasion or season of the year. Some of the best known are the gallo pinto, nacatamal, vigorón, rondón, vaho, fritangas, among others.
It is the birthplace of the father of Hispanic modernism. Nicaragua gave birth to one of the greatest exponents and revolutionaries of Spanish literature, Rubén Darío (January 18, 1867 – February 6, 1916), who in his lifetime was a poet, journalist, and diplomat. Since 2016, he is a national hero.  Darío had a great and lasting influence on 20th-century Spanish-language literature and journalism. He has been praised as the "Prince of Castilian Letters" and undisputed father of the modernist literary movement.
First Geopark in Central America is in Nicaragua. Since 2020, the Coco River, located in the north of the country, is the first Unesco Geopark in Central America. This site covers the municipalities of Somoto, Totogalpa, San Lucas, Las Sabanas, and San José de Cusmapa in the department of Madriz, covering almost 1,000 square kilometers. It has 12 sites of international geological and landscape relevance.
Biosphere reserves? The country has three biosphere reserves recognized by Unesco, these being Bosawás, Ometepe, and Río San Juan, which are home to a diversity of flora and fauna. The Caribbean region is also a biosphere reserve, declared by the country's Parliament in 2021.
It houses 7% of the world's biodiversity. Globally, Nicaragua has around 7% of the planet's biodiversity, plants, vertebrates, fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, arthropods, mollusks, corals, and fungi are the existing species in the country. It has 68 types of ecosystems and plant formations that represent 60% of Central America.
7 languages. As it is home to mestizos, Afro-descendants, and native peoples, it has various languages, most of which are concentrated in the Caribbean region, these being Creole English, Miskito, Mayangna, Rama, Ulwa, Garífuna, and Spanish, the latter being spoken in all the country.
It has spectacular and unique colonial cities. León, Granada, and Ciudad Antigua were the first three cities established by the Spanish after they arrived in Nicaragua. However, León and Granada are known as colonial cities for their architecture and culture, especially reflected in their historic center.
Nicaragua has four World Heritage Sites. The country is also home to four World Heritage Sites declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Unesco, these being the Ruins of León Viejo, León Cathedral, and the language and culture of the ethnic group. Garífuna and the play of El Güegüense. I had the pleasure of knowing this great play on the Island of the honorable Chamorro family in November 2017 in Granada.  El Güegüense is a satirical drama and was the first literary work of post-Colombian Nicaragua. It is regarded as one of Latin America's most distinctive colonial-era expressions and as Nicaragua's signature folkloric masterpiece combining music, dance, and theater. There was also a monument built in the center of a Rotonda (roundabout) in Managua, in its honor. El Güegüense is performed during the feast of San Sebastián in Diriamba (Carazo department) from January 17 to the 27th.
Land of lakes and volcanoes. Known for its volcanoes such as San Cristóbal, Cerro Negro, Masaya, Mombacho, Maderas, Concepción; and lakes such as Cocibolca, Xolotlán, Apanás; Nationals and foreigners enjoy these natural beauties for adventure tourism, sun, beach, nature, and rural; Sandboarding, tours of the islets, climbing, and hiking are among the favorite activities.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica were the furthest provinces from Guatemala, and they share history, geography, and many Spanish words that are used only in these two countries, such as maje, chante, and the majority of their population practices the Catholic religion. If you go to Costa Rica or Nicaragua, you should cross the border and visit the two sister countries, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Invited by my good friends Ing. Nelson, Lic. Martin, and Lic. Ulises Obregón-Alemán from December 26 to January 5, I will be visiting Managua, to promote my latest book about the Portuguese conquistadors who conquered, pacified, and populated the Provinces of Nicaragua and Costa Rica in the century XVI.

San Jose Costa Rica, Monday, December 19, 2022.

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