domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2023

First Sunday of Advent 2023, why are we Catholics? Missa dominicalis — 3 Decembris 2023 — dominica I Adventus CC. Felix annus liturgicus 2024!


First Sunday of Advent 2023, why are we Catholics?

"May the year 2024 mark this breakthrough. I like to think that a good omen can be found in an event that took place in 1224. In that year, Francis of Assisi composed his “Canticle of the Creatures”. By then Francis was completely blind, and after a night of physical suffering, his spirits were elevated by a mystical experience. He then turned to praise the Most High for all those creatures that he could no longer see, but knew that they were his brothers and sisters, since they came forth from the same Father and were shared with other men and women. An inspired sense of fraternity thus led him to turn his pain into praise and his weariness into renewed commitment. Shortly thereafter, Francis added a stanza in which he praised God for those who forgive; he did this in order to settle – successfully – an unbecoming conflict between the civil authorities and the local bishop. I too, who bear the name Francis, with the heartfelt urgency of a prayer, want to leave you with this message: Let us leave behind our divisions and unite our forces! And with God’s help, let us emerge from the dark night of wars and environmental devastation in order to turn our common future into the dawn of a new and radiant day. Thank you".

Address of His Holiness Pope Francis
to the Conference of Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28)

Expo City, Dubai, 2 December 2023.

Missa dominicalis — 3 Decembris 2023 — dominica I Adventus CC. Felix annus liturgicus 2024! The Sunday Mass — December 3, 2023 — 1st Sunday of Advent CC. Happy liturgical year 2024!  La Misa dominical - 3 de diciembre de 2023 - 1er domingo de Adviento CC. ¡Feliz año litúrgico 2024!  La Messe dominicale — 3 décembre 2023 — 1er dimanche de l'Avent CC. Bonne année liturgique 2024 !  La missa dominical — 3 de desembre de 2023 — 1r diumenge d'Advent CC. Feliç any litúrgic 2024!  Die Sonntagsmesse – 3. Dezember 2023 – 1. Adventssonntag CC. Frohes liturgisches Jahr 2024! Missa Dominical — 3 de dezembro de 2023 — 1º Domingo do Advento CC. Feliz ano litúrgico de 2024! La Messa domenicale — 3 dicembre 2023 — 1a domenica di Avvento CC. Buon anno liturgico 2024!

Rafael Alberto Vilagut Vega, why are we Catholics?

Parents: Emilio Vilagut-Martin Madrid 1935- San José 2016 and Nydia Maria Vega-Rodríguez San José b. 1934, Siblings: Emilia María b. Caracas 1960, Irene María b. Caracas 1963 and Juan Carlos Vilagut-Vega Caracas, b. Caracas 1970, This website was created on 07 Jul 2007 and last updated on 02 Dec 2023. There are 23129 names in this family tree, The webmaster of this site is Rafael Vilagut,

“Direct descendants of Don Pelayo of Asturias 0685-0737 and Charlemagne 0742-0814.”

Don Pelayo B.A. Pelagius of Asturias daughter Ermesinda d`Asturias son Fruela I Rey d`Asturia son Ramon Romaes C.D. y Santa Marta de Ortigueira son Rodrigo Romaes C. De Monterroso II son Remón II C.D. de Monterroso son Ramón Romaes son Mendo C.D. de Rausona son Froyla Méndez de Trastámara son Conde Rodrigo Froiláz son Froila Mendes de Trastâmara son Bermudo I Forjaz de Trastâmara son Forjaz Froila Vermuis de Traba de Trastámara son Pedro C.D. Froilaz son Bermudo Pérez de Trava y Urgel son Fernando Bermúdez de Trava son Vasco Fernandez de Temez son Nuño S.D. Fernández de Témez son Fernán C.D. Núñez de Témez son Alfonso Fernández de Córdoba son Fernando II Alfonso de Cordoba son Diego Fernandez de Cordoba y Biedma son Martin I Fernandez de Cordoba y Martinez de Castr son Pedro Fernandez de Cordoba y Solier son Alfonso Fernández de Córdoba daughter Marina Fernández de Córdoba y Venegas son Alfonso Fernández De Córdoba Y Mendez de Sotomayor de Figu son Capitán Luis Luis Méndez de Sotomayor Y Cerrato daughter Juana de Vera Y Méndez De Sotomayor daughter Francisca Zúñiga Ramiro Corajo son Gregorio Chávez Ramiro son Nicolás Alfaro de los Ríos son Baltazar Alfaro daughter Leonora Alfaro González son Joseph Antonio Zamora Alfaro daughter Josefa Isabel Zamora Muñoz daughter Juana Josefa Camacho Zamora daughter María Manuela D.J. Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia Maria Vega Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut Vega.

Carlomagno C.M. Karl der Große `Charlemagne` Emperor of son Pipino de Italia son Bernardo I de Italia son Pipino P. de Vermandois son Heriberto I H.I. Count of Vermandois daughter Beatriz de Vermandois son Hugo el Grande son Hugo Capeto son Robert II le Pieux de Francia daughter Adela of France daughter Matilda of Flanders son Henry I of England King of England daughter Mathilde l`Emperesse M.D. de la maison de Normandie son King Henry II E.I. of England daughter Eleanor E.P. of England Queen de Castilla daughter Urraca of Castile Queen of Portugal son King Afonso III de Bourgogne Rei de Portugal e Algarve son Martim Afonso Chichorro daughter Maria Afonso Chichorro daughter Maria Gonçalves Briteiros son Dom João Lourenço da Cunha son João S.D. Álvares da Cunha son Rui Afonso de Melo son Rui R.D. de Melo da Cuhna son Alférez Álvaro de Alfonso son Alférez Juan de Acuña y Acuña daughter Catalina Martín de Acuña son Alonso Vargas Martín daughter Antonia Vargas Machuca daughter Francisca de Guzman Benavente daughter Juana Manuela Lizondo Benavente daughter María del Pilar Guerrero Elizondo daughter Juana María Gutiérrez Guerrero daughter Maria Gregoria Nicolasa Bastos Gutierrez daughter Cayetana Zumbado Bustos son José María Arias-Zumbado son Manuel Maria Arias Ugalde daughter María Manuela D.J. Arias-Camacho daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia Maria Vega Rodriguez son Rafael Alberto Vilagut Vega.

The Sunday Mass — December 3, 2023 — 1st Sunday of Advent CC, And

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