martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

La Medicina Moderna: Una historia épica

Modern Medicine: An Epic Story of Power and Pitfalls by Dr. Paul Winterton*, MD doTERRA Corp

This video features Dr. Winterton speaking about his orthopedic practice and use of doTERRA essential oils. Also covered is the convergence of traditional western medicine and holistic wellness and the implications associated with bacterial biofilm.

Este video muestra al Dr. Winterton hablar de su práctica ortopédica y el uso de aceites esenciales doTERRA. También trata la convergencia de la medicina occidental tradicional y el bienestar integral y las implicaciones asociadas a la biopelícula bacteriana.

Un ejemplo de biofilm o biopelícula bacteriana es la placa dental que puede causar caries gingivitis o enfermedad periodontal. 

Onguard en aceite, perlitas, pasta dental, muestras
y en productos de limpieza no puede faltar en tu hogar

Feliz, Saludable y Próspero once de noviembre de dos mil catorce.   Rafael A. Vilagut, Consultor Empresarial y Distribuidor Independiente doTERRA. cel +(506) 8320-6097 Costa Rica.

*Dr. Paul Winterton is on the doTERRA Advisory Board

Paul William Winterton, MD, earned his medical degree from Harvard Medical School in 1993 and completed his orthopaedic residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in 1998. He completed fellowship training at the Institute for Bone and Joint Disorders in Phoenix, Arizona in Sports Medicine, Shoulder and Knee Arthoscopy, and Foot and Ankle Reconstruction. In 2009 Dr. Winterton was elected as a member of the Board of Counselors of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Dr. Winterton is also a member of the Executive Council of the Utah State Orthopaedics Society.

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