sábado, 28 de julio de 2018

The Business Hustler's Mindset

If you want to be an entrepreneur you have to learn to sell and to deal with the failure that will be presented to you repeatedly. And it's something that, most likely, you can only do. It is very difficult to find someone who is willing to fight for you and work for your success. The figure of the hustler, the one that goes out to sell, is a key piece in any emerging company.

"Over the years I have seen projects with impressive and full of imagination products, with attractive features and innovative technology. Even in the best cases, the most common is that they lack two factors that show the need for a hustler in their teams: A lack of knowledge about the needs that their product would cover and a very bad exposure of it. This reduces any business idea to ashes", according to Jorge Sánchez, of Tundra Comunicación in México.

But before continuing to talk about projects that do not consolidate, you may be wondering what a business hustler is and why I sound like I have a crush with this profession.

It does not refer to the hustler TV or magazine or a scammer (watch the video).  A hustler is the person in charge of managing the company and developing strategies for the brand to grow using commercial and marketing techniques to expand sales.


This figure is relevant in the process of building a startup because it intervenes in all the development processes of any company. In the initial stages, analyze the market to know if it is big enough so that your brand has a future and defines the needs that the product or service will have.

When the project has been defined, the hustler will apply to all possible calls to obtain financing and generate valuable allies for the company.

In the start-up of the project, this figure is responsible for selling, marketing, working with value partners to consolidate business networks that benefit and if necessary "take buckets and sticks to fight with the monsters of the Power Rangers" that want to prevent your company from succeeding.

The big problem is that we focus on creating great products or services before asking our client if what we are doing solves a real need. We never go out to the street to ask people "what do you need from us?"


This leads many entrepreneurs or start-ups to manufacture things or services that nobody needs. We must recognize that some geniuses have created needs in us and have converted us into consumers, but those cases are as few as they are exceptional.

On the other hand if you have gold ground to sell, you have to go out and sell it!  That´s is what I do with state of the art wellness products (doTERRA, Aroma Tools, Herbalife) or wealth management and financial services at International Advisors, RGIA Costa Rica Office.

Unless you are a guru in your industry with decades of experience and exposure, I have some bad news for you: what you are undertaking will not interest anyone until you do the marketing necessary to achieve the opposite.

Become a hustler or  hire one, better a team of hustlers... If not, your company is doomed to failure in this very insane competitive world.  That´s our episode today in Feliz y Saludable.

How To Become A Hustler - The Hustler's Mindset | How To Hustle Your Way To Success In Life!

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