lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

Largest Cities in 12 years

In 1990, there were just 10 “megacities” globally, defined as cities with 10 million inhabitants or more.  Together, these 10 cities were home to 153 million people, or just under 7 per cent of the global urban population at that time.  Today, in 2018, there are 33 such megacities worldwide, and they represent 13 per cent of the world’s urban population.  By 2030, the world is projected to have 43 megacities, most of which will be located in developing countries.

In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.6 billion people as of May 2018.

Last year (2017):

In 1950 New York City was the largest city. Today, it’s Tokyo. By 2030? It will be a much bigger Tokyo.

Sixty-five years ago, a population of 12 million was enough to see the Big Apple take the world’s biggest city crown. In just 12 years’ time, Tokyo’s population is forecast to reach 37.2 million, according to the United Nations.

Top 10 Largest Cities by 2030 | The B1M

By 2030, the global population will reach 8.5 billion people and 60% of us will live in cities.  

The epicentre of this growth? Asia and Africa. These two regions are urbanizing more rapidly than other regions of the world, according to the UN 2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects.

World population (millions, UN estimates)[8]
# Top ten most populous countries 2000 2015 2030*
1 China China* 1,270 1,376 1,416
2 India India 1,053 1,311 1,528
3 United States United States 283 322 356
4 Indonesia Indonesia 212 258 295
5 Brazil Brazil 176 208 229
6 Pakistan Pakistan 138 189 245
7 Nigeria Nigeria 123 182 263
8 Bangladesh Bangladesh 131 161 186
9 Russia Russia 146 146 149
10 Mexico Mexico 103 127 148
World total 6,127 7,349 8,501

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