viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

NYT News: Mr. Juan G. Guaidó President (E) of Venezuela

No “self declaration” happening. Do the research. Guiadó was the elected National Assembly President and became President under the 233 law of the Venezuelan Constitution, when Maduro failed the conditions of a fair election. Venezuela voted Guaidó.

Who Is the New Self-Declared President of Venezuela? | NYT News

VENEZUELA and The NYT: "The Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro governments wasted their opportunity to rebuild this resource-rich nation".

"After more than two decades of socialism, the Chavista revolution has come full circle, undone by the very things that gave rise to it: social injustice, inequality, and a corrupt political elite that failed to deliver."

Mr. Juan G. Guaidó is not self declared President of Venezuela, he is the President of the Congress (the National Assembly), because the democratically elected congress doesn't recognise Maduro re-election. All the respect I had for the New York Times has been lost. 

Reading the Global Times (China); Sputnik (Russia) and The NYT News it seems to me that Venezuela has just become the latest proxy battleground between the world super powers.

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