miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

10 years journey using essential oils

Feliz y Saludable (Rafael A. Vilagut) Wellness Advocates doTERRA since 2014.

Answering global needs and encouraging others to serve

www.mydoterra.com/rvilagut twitter @vilagutr

Doterra 10 years journey

doTERRA International, LLC, my busines partner, celebrated its 10 year anniversary last April 25, 2018 true to the founders’ original mission to change the world one drop, one person, one community at a time. The celebration commenced in the morning as doTERRA’s founders thanked the nearly 2,500 employees in Utah and additional 500 global employees with a bonus that gave full-time employees $1,000 (and part-time employees $500) for each year they have been with doTERRA. The founders also announced that they would raise doTERRA’s starting minimum wage to twelve dollars an hour. The celebration continued with a Day of Change, where doTERRA’s global family served others in a variety of ways. Employees, Wellness Advocates, customers and the public were encouraged to capture the service rendered and tag it on their social media accounts using #DayOfChange.

doTERRA’s founders recognized that the unprecedented growth of the company would not have been possible without the millions of doTERRA Wellness Advocates and customers and thousands of corporate employees who have helped make doTERRA the world’s largest and Verified Leader in the Global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Market. Accordingly, in addition to the bonus and increased starting minimum wage, the founders announced additional events and gifts of appreciation. “Over the past decade, we have witnessed countless miracles and cannot express the depth of our gratitude for the contributions from doTERRA employees,” said David Stirling, founding executive, chairman and CEO. “However, we are just beginning. The future is bright and the decades to come will be even more exciting and rewarding as we continue to work to fulfill our vision of sharing essential oils with, and serving every home throughout the world.”

doTERRA supports hundreds of charitable organizations each year through corporate giving and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. For the Day of Change, doTERRA hosted a daylong service project in partnership with Days for Girls International where employees and community members came together at doTERRA’s Corporate Headquarters to make and compile reusable feminine hygiene kits to be distributed to women in developing communities throughout the world. As part of the project, volunteers had the opportunity to learn about the mission and impact of Days for Girls from the program’s founder, Celeste Mergens. The service event produced approximately 1,700 kits.

About doTERRA, my busines partner,  doTERRA leads the global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils market in sourcing, testing, manufacturing, and distributing CPTG® essential oils through a network of more than 5 million customers. doTERRA, the Latin derivative meaning “gift of the Earth,” sets the standard for essential oils by providing to its customers the most tested and most trusted oils and having developed the expertise and commitment required to derive these unique oils directly from the best sources in the world. doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® provides local growers and distillers fair compensation for their efforts, creating stronger local economies and a healthier, stable supply chain. In addition to a premium line of single-plant extracts and proprietary essential oil blends, the company offers oil-infused personal care and spa products, dietary supplements and healthy living products for the home.

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