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lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2022

Rafael A. Vilagut: On vacation from New Year's Eve from today. 🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍

Rafael A. Vilagut: On vacation from New Year's Eve from today.  Nicaragua travels on December 26, 2022 - January 9, 2023.

How to backpack Nicaragua as a solo traveler, what to see, and the best places to visit.

Answers questions like: Is it expensive to travel to Nicaragua, Where to go, What to do in Nicaragua, What is the security like, Where to find volcanoes, What to do as a tourist, and Is it expensive or cheap to travel to Nicaragua? Can you drink alcohol, is it safe for women, backpacking + solo travel, and is there a risk for violence? 2-week itinerary for safe backpacking travel.

Contact: Twitter @vilagutr e-mail: PO Box 925-2050, San Pedro Montes de Oca, Costa Rica, Central America. Telegram: @ralviv
Nicaragua travel guide – 10 best reasons to visit! | Budget backpacking,
🎁 Happy New Year 2023, Digital Entrepreneur, Author, Researcher, Educator, Trainer, and Teacher. living and working between Caracas (Venezuela), Barcelona and Madrid (Spain), and Central America.
🌍 Entrepreneur, 📚 kindle Author 💰 Crypto-Investor, Professor 💎 Travel-lover 🌍 @VILAGUTR
 🚀 Mechanical engineer 🥇Venezuelan-Spanish-Costarrican🧑


sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2022

The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. USD 29.99 Kindle-Amazon.

Available in the Kindle Store!
The edition in English was released on December 24, 2022. I am here to serve you in what you may need:
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BR23GS45 Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 24, 2022 Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 35671 KB Text reading ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen reader ‏ : ‎ Compatible Font Setting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not enabled Vocabulary tips ‏ : ‎ Enabled Sticky Notes ‏ : ‎ With Kindle Scribe Number of pages ‏ : ‎ 176 pages
The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century: Long-Term Genealogical Research from the Late Antiquity to the Contemporary Age by Rafael Alberto Vilagut focuses on two Portuguese conquerors and peacemakers, also settlers, Capitão Antônio Álvarez Pereira and Alférez (Ensing) Álvaro de Acuña (da Cuhna) who arrived in Costa Rica at the beginning of the 16th century, and with abundant descendants, including my maternal family Vega-Rodríguez. In this NEW ebook, I present 1200 years of family history which I refer to as Long-Term Genealogical Research. If you go back to the time of Charlemagne, forty generations or so, you should get to a generation of a trillion ancestors. That’s about two thousand times more people than existed on Earth when Charlemagne was alive. The only way out of this paradox is to assume that our ancestors are not independent of one another. That is, if you trace their ancestry back, you loop back to a common ancestor. We’re not talking about first-cousin stuff here–more like twentieth-cousin. This means that instead of drawing a tree that fans out exponentially, we need to draw a web-like tapestry. And that is what I wanted to reflect on in this new ebook. Are we all related? Meet your relatives. A family tree of humanity has been constructed using genetic data from thousands of modern and prehistoric people. The tree gives a view of 2 million years of prehistory and evolution. The Lineage of The Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century and ten more ebooks is regarding history, family, and juvenile fiction. A lot of the time when people build a family tree, they're looking for their famous relatives, as I did. My costarican mother Nydia Vega de Vilagut is the 40th great-granddaughter of Charlemagne who was born on 2 April 747 and died on 28 January 814. I’ll show you step by step. Let’s get to it. MSc Rafael Alberto Vilagut-Vega, is a mechanical engineer, author, and genealogist.

Portuguese Conquerors Charlemagne’s Family Tree Genealogical Research KING OF SPAIN FELIPE VI Late Antiquity the 16th century Meet your relatives.

FICTION > Family life. YOUTH FICTION > Family > Multigenerational.

After writing my 11th ebook, it is much more fun to think that I am a bloodline descendant of Charlemagne and Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome | Timeline. Rafael A. Vilagut is a mechanical engineer and digital entrepreneur who during pandemic times SARS-CoV-2 also has been involved in digital mining since 2020, after following the market and its potential for several years. My engineering and finance background at Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela, and Oxford University in the UK, has allowed me to work in the field of manufacturing facilities, tourism, building, automotive, oil & gas, and steel industries. I have ended up with an in-depth knowledge of international trading and arbitrage. This made me a subject matter expert in all kinds of manufacturing facilities and trading marketplaces. I utilized my knowledge of industry best practices, internal controls, and process improvements to make these companies better. Manufacturing is a very dynamic world where I need to wear multiple hats, leading people, organizing machinery and procedures, and making sure that all gear is efficient and safe. I have done this, it is fun and I have been rewarded multiple times at National Oilwell at Maracaibo, SHELL at La Victoria, Valencia and Puerto Cabello, PDVSA in London and Paris, Costa Rica National Oil Refinery and RECOPE-Soresco in Central America and China, among many others. I held increasing responsibility positions in production, logistics, and technical fields. Lately, energy trading and crypto is my passion because in this field I used my creativity and innovation the most. The complexity of the interconnected world both in globalization last century and deglobalization taking place since the pandemic always generated challenges that motivated me very much to be a better person every day. My experience as an effective communicator has been at all levels because my responsibilities included presenting results to Senior Management and Board Committees of PDVSA in Venezuela and all over the world. This is why I have accomplished publishing 11 ebooks at Kindle-Amazon and the blog Feliz y Saludable since 2009. Learning languages started as a hobby in my college time at Crane Lake Camp in the town of West Stockbridge, MA; Carleton University in Ottawa and Georgia Tech in Atlanta GA, and it has been a tremendous asset for my international career in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the Caribbean. No matter how busy I am in my daily routines, I always find time to share with my family and friends, read, write, teach and learn. The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century: Long-Term Genealogical Research from the Late Antiquity to the Contemporary Age by Rafael Alberto Vilagut focuses on two Portuguese conquerors and peacemakers, also settlers, Capitão Antônio Álvarez Pereira and Alférez (Ensing) Álvaro de Acuña (da Cuhna) who arrived in Costa Rica at the beginning of the 16th century, and with abundant descendants, including my maternal family Vega-Rodríguez. In this NEW ebook, I present 1200 years of family history which I refer to as Long-Term Genealogical Research. 
San Jose Costa Rica, Happy and Healthy, December 24, 2022. Related episode:  After writing my 11th ebook, it is much more fun to think that I am a bloodline descendant of Charlemagne and Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome | Timeline.
Contact: Twitter @vilagutr e-mail: PO Box 925-2050, San Pedro Montes de Oca, Costa Rica, Central America. Telegram: @ralviv.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022

After writing my 11th ebook, it is much more fun to think that I am a bloodline descendant of Charlemagne and Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome | Timeline.

After writing my last book, it is much more fun to think that I am the 40th-great grandson of Charlemagne.  Carlomagno Carolus Magnus Karl der Große 'Charlemagne' Emperor's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson is Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega, or 40th-great grandson. Total of 43 generations.

Nobody in my past was hugely famous, at least that I know of. After writing my 11th ebook, it is much more fun to think that I am a bloodline descendant of Charlemagne.

The Carolingian dynasty known variously as the Carlovingians, Carolingus, Carolings, Karolinger or Karlings, was a Frankish noble family named after Charlemagne, grandson of Mayor Charles Martel and a descendant of the Arnulfing and Pippinid clans of the 7th century AD. The dynasty consolidated its power in the 8th century, eventually making the offices of mayor of the palace and dux et princeps Francorum hereditary, and becoming the de facto rulers of the Franks as the real powers behind the Merovingian throne. In 751 the Merovingian dynasty which had ruled the Germanic Franks was overthrown with the consent of the Papacy and the aristocracy, and Pepin the Short, son of Martel, was crowned King of the Franks. The Carolingian dynasty reached its peak in 800 with the crowning of Charlemagne as the first Emperor of the Romans in the West in over three centuries. His death in 814 began an extended period of fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire and decline that would eventually lead to the evolution of the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire.

The Story of Charlemagne and His Saxon Nemesis | Charlemagne | Timeline,

This is the story of the dramatic and violent life of the Middle Ages' most important emperor: Charlemagne. But, one man seemed to evade Charlemagne's grasp: Widukind. The Saxon's legendary leader boldly resisted conversion to Christianity in the face of the Holy Roman Emperor. How did Charlemagne finally defeat the "child of the forest"?

The greatest Carolingian monarch was Charlemagne, Pepin's son. Charlemagne was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome in 800. His empire, ostensibly a continuation of the Western Roman Empire, is referred to historiographically as the Carolingian Empire.

The Carolingian rulers did not give up the traditional Frankish (and Merovingian) practice of dividing inheritances among heirs, though the concept of the indivisibility of the Empire was also accepted. The Carolingians had the practice of making their sons' minor kings in the various regions (regna) of the Empire, which they would inherit on the death of their father, which Charlemagne and his son Louis the Pious both did for their sons. Following the death of Emperor Louis the Pious in 840, his surviving adult sons, Lothair I and Louis the German, along with their adolescent brother Charles the Bald, fought a three-year civil war ending only with the Treaty of Verdun in 843, which divided the empire into three regna while according to imperial status and a nominal lordship to Lothair who, at 48, was the eldest. The Carolingians differed markedly from the Merovingians in that they disallowed inheritance to illegitimate offspring, possibly to prevent infighting among heirs and assure a limit to the division of the realm. In the late ninth century, however, the lack of suitable adults among the Carolingians necessitated the rise of Arnulf of Carinthia as the king of East Francia, a bastard child of a legitimate Carolingian king, Carloman of Bavaria, himself a son of the First King of the Eastern division of the Frankish kingdom, Louis the German.

43 generations from Charles the Great to Rafael Alberto "Magno" Vilagut-Vega, names: 1) Carlomagno Charles the Great Karl der Große `Charlemagne` Emperor (747-814) son 2) Pepin of Italy (777-810) son 3) Bernard of Italy (797-818) son 4) Pepin II Quentin de Vermandois, Comte de Senlis, Comte de Peronne & Comte de St. Quentin (c.817-after 850)son 5) Herbert I, Count of Vermandois (c. 848/850-907) daughter 6) Beatrice of Vermandois (c. 880-931) son 7) Hugh The Great (898-956 aged 58) son 8) Hugh Capet (939-996) son 9) Robert II King of France (c. 972-1031) daughter 10) Adela of France (1109-1079 aged 70) daughter 11) Matilda of Flanders (1031-1083 aged 52) son 12) Henry I of England King of England (1068-1135 aged 67) daughter 13) Mathilde l`Emperesse de la maison de Normandie (1102-1167 aged 65) son 14) King Henry II Plantagenêt of England (1133-1189 aged 56) daughter 15) Eleanor Plantagenêt of England Queen de Castilla (1161-1214 aged 53) daughter 16) Urraca of Castile Queen of Portugal (1187-1220 aged 33) son 17) King Afonso III de Bourgogne Rei de Portugal e do Algarve (1210-1279 aged 68) son 18) Martim Afonso Chichorro (1250-1313 aged 63) daughter 19) Maria Afonso Chichorro (c. 1295 - ) daughter 20) Maria Gonçalves Briteiros son 21) Dom João Lourenço da Cunha (c. 1345-c.1385 aged 40) son 22) João Álvares da Cunha (1371-1440) son 23) Rui Afonso de Melo (c. 1395-1477 aged 82) son 24) Rui de Melo da Cuhna (1455-1530 aged 75) son 25) Alférez Álvaro de Alfonso (1535-1602 aged 67) daughter 26) Isabel de Acuña y Berrio (1573-1622 aged 49) daughter 27) María Pereira Cardoso (1596-1636 aged 40) daughter 28) Juana Gómez-Bonilla ( - 1610) daughter 29) Ana Gómez Benito y Bonilla (1560-1633 aged 73) daughter 30) María de La Portilla Gomez Román (1589-1650 aged 61) daughter 31) Catalina Mora Salado y de la Portilla (1608-1670 aged 62) daughter 32) María Monterroso-García (1625-1695 aged 70) son 33) Andrés Arias-Monterroso (1685-1723 aged 38) son 34) Felipe Arias-Hidalgo (1685 - ) son 35) José Timoteo Arias-Jiménez (1740 - ) son 36) Luis Arias-Ugalde (1763-1814) son 37) Antonio Arias-Pérez (1789 - ) son 38) José María Arias-Zumbado (1814-c. 1870 aged 56) son 39) Manuel Arias-Ugalde (1834-c. 1890 aged 56) daughter 40) Manuela Arias-Camacho (1876-1959, aged 83) daughter 41) Angelica Rodriguez-Arias (1908-1928 aged 103) daughter 42) Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son 43) Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega.  
400 years before Charles the Great (747-814), Theodosius the Great (347 - 395) saves Rome from the Goths and unifies the empire for the last time, setting dangerous precedents in the process.
Emperor Flavius Theodosius's 53th-great grandson is Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega.  Theodosius I, by name Theodosius the Great, in full Flavius Theodosius, (born January 11, 347, Cauca, Gallaecia [now Coca, Spain]—died January 17, 395, Mediolanum [now Milan, Italy]), Roman emperor of the East (379–392) and then sole emperor of both East and West (392–395).   I am here to serve you in what you may occupy.

56 generations from  Roman emperor of the East (379–392) and then sole emperor of both East and West (392–395) to Rafael Alberto "Magno" Vilagut-Vega, names:
Emperor Flavius Theodosius of Rome I daughter Aelia Galla Placidia Empress of Roman E son Théodoric I King of the Visigoths daughter Ragnachildis der Franken son Alaric II King of the Visigoths son King Gesalec of the Visigoths son Athanagild I.K. N son Flavio O.T. Leovigildo son Recaredo I K.O. N son Aquilo I de Coimbra son Aquilo II N son Diego de Cantabria son Duke Pedro P.O. de Cantabria son Rey Alfonso I T.C. de Asturias son Fruela I Rey d`Asturia son Ramon Romaes C.D. y Santa Marta de Ortigueira son Rodrigo Romaes C. De Monterroso II son Remón II C.D. de Monterroso son Ramón Romaes son Mendo C.D. de Rausona son Froyla Méndez de Trastámara son Conde Rodrigo Froiláz son Froila Mendes de Trastâmara son Bermudo I Forjaz de Trastâmara son Forjaz Froila Vermuis de Traba de Trastámara son Pedro C.D. Froilaz daughter Estefanía Perez de Traba daughter Urraca Rodríguez son Gonçalo Rodrigues son Rui Gonçalves son Pedro Rodrigues son Gonçalo Pires son Gonçalo Gonçalves son Álvaro Gonçalves daughter Isabel Alvares daughter Beatriz Pessanha son Rui de Melo da Cuhna son Alférez Álvaro de Alfonso daughter Isabel de Acuña y Berrio daughter María Pereira Cardoso daughter Juana Gómez daughter Ana Gómez daughter María De La Portilla daughter Catalina Mora daughter María Monterroso son Andrés Arias son Felipe Arias son José T. Arias son Luis Arias son Antonio Arias son José M. Arias son Manuel Arias daughter Manuela Arias daughter Angelica Rodriguez-Arias daughter Nydia M. Vega-Rodriguez son Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega.
San Jose Costa Rica, Happy and Healthy, December 22, 2022. Related episode: The New Genealogy: long term genealogical research. The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century. First edition in English December 15, 2022,
All rights reserved 2022-2023 Rafael Alberto Vilagut Vega ©.  Contact: Twitter @vilagutr e-mail: PO Box 925-2050, San Pedro Montes de Oca, Costa Rica, Central America. Telegram @ralviv. Web

The Royals Really Are All Related. The most recent common ancestors of all current and former European monarchs.


The most recent common ancestors MRCA of hereditary European monarchs.  The Royals Really Are All Related,
The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of any set of organisms is the most recent individual from which all organisms in the group are directly descended. The term is most frequently used by humans. The MRCA of a set of individuals can sometimes be determined by referring to an established pedigree.
The royal descendants of John William Friso, Prince of Orange currently occupy all the hereditary European royal thrones. Friso and his wife, Landgravine Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel, are the most recent common ancestors of all European monarchs, current and former, that have reigned since World War II.

While some of the current European monarchs are related to each other within a few generations, we have to go back a few hundred years to find the ancestors that all of them have in common: Johan Willem Friso of Orange-Nassau, Prince of Orange 14 August 1687 – 14 July 1711. He and his wife Landgravine Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel (7 February 1688 – 9 April 1765), had two children, Princess Amalia and Willem IV, Prince of Orange. It is through these two children that all the current reigning monarchs of Europe descend.
Johan Willem Friso was the son of Henry Casimir II, Prince of Nassau-Dietz, and Princess Henriëtte Amalia of Anhalt-Dessau who was both first cousins of William III. As such, he was a member of the House of Nassau (the branch of Nassau-Dietz), and through the testamentary dispositions of William III became the progenitor of the new line of the House of Orange-Nassau. He was educated under Jean Lemonon, a professor at the University of Franeker.
Charles I, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, by his wife and cousin, Princess Maria Amalia of Courland. Two of her siblings included King Frederick I of Sweden and William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel.
Between 9 April 1939 and 18 May 1941 and again between 31 July 1943 and 8 September 2022 John William Friso and Maria Louise were the most recent common ancestors to all reigning European monarchs. Between 18 May 1941 and 31 July 1943, the puppet Independent State of Croatia was a kingdom under Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta (his regnal name was Tomislav II) in opposition to the exiled monarchy under Peter II of Yugoslavia. Peter and Aimone's wife Irene descended from John William Friso and Marie Louise, but not Aimone himself, so the position of royal MRCA was held by John Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1654 – 1686), who held the distinction alone since the descents came from both his marriages.

Before 9 April 1939 King Zog I of Albania makes the position of MRCA unknown since his ancestry is itself almost entirely unknown and he has no traceable connection to other European royalty except through his wife Geraldine.

Since the death of Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022, the MRCA of hereditary European monarchs is John Frederick's great-grandson Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (1719 – 1790), and his wife Caroline of Zweibrücken (1721 – 1774), who were formerly common ancestors to all reigning European monarchs except Elizabeth II. This is because Charles III is descended through his paternal grandmother from Louis IX's grandson Louis II, Grand Duke of Hesse via both her parents. Despite this, John William Friso and Marie Louise remain to be the most recent common ancestor of all current and former European monarchs.
When William, prince of Orange died, the throne of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland went to his wife's sister queen Anne, before she created the basis for the succession laws used today, and then her cousin George 1st was chosen as the next monarch, as he was the most senior Protestant in the family.

San Jose Costa Rica, December 22, 2022, Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega,
Related episode, "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2022

Mark Twain’s journey through Puerto La Virgen, Rivas, Nicaragua in 1867.

Mark Twain’s journey through Puerto La Virgen, Rivas, Nicaragua in 1867.  History of San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, At the end of 1866, Mark Twain traveled to Nicaragua and the San Juan River. A traveler for nearly a decade of his adult life, Twain needed to go from San Francisco to New York City. Instead of crossing the United States by land, he chose to make his way to New York City via Nicaragua and the San Juan River.
In a series of letters to the Alta California newspaper, Twain describes his travels through Nicaragua and down the San Juan River. Not published in book form until 1940 as Travels with Mr. Brown, Mark Twain’s commentary on Central America has remained relatively unknown to a good many historians and even readers of Twain. The trip took eleven days to arrive at San Juan del Sur, three days to cross the isthmus, and eleven more days to sail from Greytown to New York City.
José Higinio Vega-Noguera was born in Puerto La Virgen, Rivas, Nicaragua (located at km 120 of the highway Panamericana Sur in the department of Rivas) in 1835 and he was married to María Cristina Noguera, she was born in 1838, and her parents were Higinio Noguera and Francisca Gómez. Their ten children were born in Costa Rica and in Nicaragua. Juana Vega, Francisco Vega, José Angel Vega, Rafael Angel Vega, Jacova de Jesús Vega, Trinidad Sebastiana Vega, Juan Vega, María Antonia Vega, Jesús Trinidad Vega, (Jesús T. Vega's son's daughter's son is Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega) and Adelo Celestino Vega. José Higinio Vega and Felipa Villafuerte had Hermenegilda Vega. Higinio Noguera's great great great grandson is Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega.

Vanderbilt opened the Nicaraguan route for wide commercial use in 1851, and it was done to ferry people to California to “pick nuggets.” After gold was discovered at Sutter’s mine in California, and after President James Polk’s curt but consequential comment before the United States Congress (“Recent discoveries render it possible that these mines are more extensive and valuable than was anticipated”), nothing could stop the stampede to California. Vanderbilt had already made a fortune building and operating steamships, and he took note of the mad rush to California. He had conceived the idea of creating a passage to California via Nicaragua to compete with the Panama route, and the California gold rush made his plans to traverse the isthmus all the more economically enticing.

Twain’s journey through Nicaragua and down the San Juan River was not without incident. He and his fellow passengers faced an outbreak of cholera, which killed a good many of his fellow shipmates. Cholera on steamships was common and traveling on a Vanderbilt steamship was not easy. When his ship arrived in San Juan del Sur on the Pacific coast, an epidemic of cholera, as Twain says, was “raging among a battalion of troops just arrived from New York”. Although no infection occurred in Nicaragua, cholera did break out on the New York leg of the trip, and his steamer San Francisco became, as Twain himself describes it, “a floating hospital” and “not a single hour passes but brings its new sensation—its melancholy tidings”. Passengers were “sheeted and thrown overboard,” and Twain remained sober about the whole affair, noting the responses of his fellow passengers and his own to the epidemic and its toll on human life.

By the time Mark Twain took the route in 1867, some sixteen years after its inauguration, it had not changed much. The route had endured, during the intervening sixteen years, the changing of hands, William Walker’s meddling, the United States Navy's shelling and burning of Greytown, and the territorial disputes between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. But the route that Vanderbilt had marked out in 1851 was still essentially the same in 1867: A steamship to San Juan del Sur, mule or wagons to the Lake of Nicaragua, Puerto La Virgen, Rivas, another steamer to cross the Lake of Nicaragua, and then a riverboat steamer down the San Juan River to Greytown on the Atlantic coast.

Here is the original English text of "Travels with Mr. Brown",

San Jose Costa Rica, December 21, 2022, Rafael A. Vilagut-Vega,
Related episode, "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

Nicaragua is an ideal destination for those looking for something different. From December 26 to January 5, I will be visiting Managua, to promote my latest book.


Nicaragua is located in the heart of Central America, an ideal destination for those looking for something different. Due to its two oceans, dozens of volcanoes, lakes, and rivers it is called the "Land of Lakes and Volcanoes".
Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America, has two coastlines: Pacific, from the shores of the Gulf of Fonseca in the department of Chinandega to El Naranjo, in Rivas, with a length of 361 kilometers; and the Caribbean, from Cabo Gracias a Dios, in the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast, RACCN, to the mouth of the San Juan River, totaling 578 kilometers.
Nicaragua allows you to enjoy nature at its best. There is a wide variety of landscapes and habitats that support different types of animal species and vegetation.
Managua is the capital and the largest city of Nicaragua and the third of Central America after Guatemala City and Tegucigalpa. In this video, we explore the main tourist attractions and portray the main landmarks of the city of Managua, Nicaragua. Top tourist attractions to visit in Managua, Nicaragua; A tourist guide in Managua 2022,
Nicaragua is a combination of nature, mysticism, and authentic flavors, which has given it the perfect touch as one of the tourist destinations that everyone should visit, and that is without mentioning its affordable prices, lively culture, and human warmth.
Today at Happy and Healthy we share 10 things you may not have known about this Central American nation.
It is in the heart of the American continent. This geographical position has favored it for having a tropical climate, two oceans, as well as being one of the interconnecting routes.
About 2,000 dishes. The gastronomy of the country is a fusion of recipes based on corn, shellfish, and coconut. In each city, there is its own dish, drink, bread, and dessert, the same for each occasion or season of the year. Some of the best known are the gallo pinto, nacatamal, vigorón, rondón, vaho, fritangas, among others.
It is the birthplace of the father of Hispanic modernism. Nicaragua gave birth to one of the greatest exponents and revolutionaries of Spanish literature, Rubén Darío (January 18, 1867 – February 6, 1916), who in his lifetime was a poet, journalist, and diplomat. Since 2016, he is a national hero.  Darío had a great and lasting influence on 20th-century Spanish-language literature and journalism. He has been praised as the "Prince of Castilian Letters" and undisputed father of the modernist literary movement.
First Geopark in Central America is in Nicaragua. Since 2020, the Coco River, located in the north of the country, is the first Unesco Geopark in Central America. This site covers the municipalities of Somoto, Totogalpa, San Lucas, Las Sabanas, and San José de Cusmapa in the department of Madriz, covering almost 1,000 square kilometers. It has 12 sites of international geological and landscape relevance.
Biosphere reserves? The country has three biosphere reserves recognized by Unesco, these being Bosawás, Ometepe, and Río San Juan, which are home to a diversity of flora and fauna. The Caribbean region is also a biosphere reserve, declared by the country's Parliament in 2021.
It houses 7% of the world's biodiversity. Globally, Nicaragua has around 7% of the planet's biodiversity, plants, vertebrates, fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, arthropods, mollusks, corals, and fungi are the existing species in the country. It has 68 types of ecosystems and plant formations that represent 60% of Central America.
7 languages. As it is home to mestizos, Afro-descendants, and native peoples, it has various languages, most of which are concentrated in the Caribbean region, these being Creole English, Miskito, Mayangna, Rama, Ulwa, Garífuna, and Spanish, the latter being spoken in all the country.
It has spectacular and unique colonial cities. León, Granada, and Ciudad Antigua were the first three cities established by the Spanish after they arrived in Nicaragua. However, León and Granada are known as colonial cities for their architecture and culture, especially reflected in their historic center.
Nicaragua has four World Heritage Sites. The country is also home to four World Heritage Sites declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Unesco, these being the Ruins of León Viejo, León Cathedral, and the language and culture of the ethnic group. Garífuna and the play of El Güegüense. I had the pleasure of knowing this great play on the Island of the honorable Chamorro family in November 2017 in Granada.  El Güegüense is a satirical drama and was the first literary work of post-Colombian Nicaragua. It is regarded as one of Latin America's most distinctive colonial-era expressions and as Nicaragua's signature folkloric masterpiece combining music, dance, and theater. There was also a monument built in the center of a Rotonda (roundabout) in Managua, in its honor. El Güegüense is performed during the feast of San Sebastián in Diriamba (Carazo department) from January 17 to the 27th.
Land of lakes and volcanoes. Known for its volcanoes such as San Cristóbal, Cerro Negro, Masaya, Mombacho, Maderas, Concepción; and lakes such as Cocibolca, Xolotlán, Apanás; Nationals and foreigners enjoy these natural beauties for adventure tourism, sun, beach, nature, and rural; Sandboarding, tours of the islets, climbing, and hiking are among the favorite activities.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica were the furthest provinces from Guatemala, and they share history, geography, and many Spanish words that are used only in these two countries, such as maje, chante, and the majority of their population practices the Catholic religion. If you go to Costa Rica or Nicaragua, you should cross the border and visit the two sister countries, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Invited by my good friends Ing. Nelson, Lic. Martin, and Lic. Ulises Obregón-Alemán from December 26 to January 5, I will be visiting Managua, to promote my latest book about the Portuguese conquistadors who conquered, pacified, and populated the Provinces of Nicaragua and Costa Rica in the century XVI.

San Jose Costa Rica, Monday, December 19, 2022.

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2022

History of Spain and Portugal: The Last Great Voyage of the Age of Discovery.


History of Spain and Portugal: The Last Great Voyage of the Age of Discovery.


Today, Sunday, December 18, in this episode of Happy and Healthy and in which in Qatar the soccer teams of the Argentine Republic and France take the pulse and measure strength in the context of the World Cup, I want to share two videos and two academic articles on the Portuguese and Spanish empires in the 15th and 16th centuries, a few days before my latest book, under review, will be available to all of you through Amazon.

When you have as many expansionist powers as the European continent did during the early modern and colonial eras, it can become difficult to maintain a peaceful, easy-flowing system. With limited land available and everyone wants a piece of all of it, how were these ambitious nations meant to split it all up without going to war? Negotiation was always an option, but of course, it was much easier said than done. Still, two nations in particular actually did broker a deal, peacefully, for the division of unconquered land. And this was no small deal either - it was not simply a distribution of one or two territories. Instead, these nations, Portugal and Spain, planned to rule the New World - together…

The first video tells us about the history of the Empire of Portugal, From Romans to Explorers to today. How did Portugal and Spain Plan to "Conquer" the World?

This second video helps us understand the main argument of my book (The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century: Long-Term Genealogical Research from the Late Antiquity to the Contemporary Age by Rafael Alberto Vilagut), in which I tell you about the descendants that the Portuguese conquerors who worked with Vazquez de Coronado in the conquest, pacification, and population of the Province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, during the height of the Spanish Empire that came to rule completely the entire Iberian peninsula.

The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 deftly divided the right of possession of newly discovered lands outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal along a line to the west of the Cape Verde Islands. The Treaty of Zaragoza 1529 would extend it into the Pacific long it's antemeridian, thereby, allowing Spanish vessels definitive protected entrance into the Asia trade which the Portuguese had previously entered by rounding Africa and crossing the Indian Ocean, according to Andrés Reséndez, "Conquering the Pacific: An Unkown Mariner and the final Voyage of the Age of Discovery by Michael Toth".

Reséndez ambitiously seeks to not only restore the rightful place of Arellano, Martin, and San Lucas alongside their more lauded compatriots but provides an overview of the wider history leading up to the Spanish "conquering" of the Pacific.

Regarding new perspectives of the Portuguese empire's history, gender discrimination has been pointed out as a determining factor behind the long-run divergence in incomes of Southern vis-à-vis Northwestern Europe. In this research, Nuno Palma et al show that women in Portugal were not historically more discriminated against than those in other parts of Western Europe, including England and the Netherlands. We rely on a new dataset of thousands of observations from archival sources covering six centuries, and we complement it with a qualitative discussion of comparative social norms. Compared with Northwestern Europe, women in Portugal faced similar gender wage gaps, married at similar ages, and did not face more restrictions on labor market participation. Consequently, other factors must have been responsible for the Little Divergence of Western European income (2022 by Nuno Palma, et al).

Related episode, "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

San Jose Costa Rica Sunday, December 18, 2022,

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022

400 dead, 18,000 Iranians arrested: Why Iran's regime still can't stifle the protests? Iran soccer fans protest the regime at the World Cup

400 dead, 18,000 Iranians arrested: Why Iran's regime still can't stifle the protests? Iran soccer fans protest the regime at the World Cup.

The world has risen up against the recent decision by the Iranian regime to execute a soccer player who participated in the protests that have been going on for several months in the country.

This is Amir Nasr-Azadani, 26, who was sentenced to death on Tuesday, in line with the sentences already carried out in recent weeks against the protesters Mohsen Shekari and Majid Reza Rahnavard. Nasr-Azadani is accused of a crime known as 'miharebeh', which translated means 'enmity with God'.

Mohsen Shekari was accused of blocking a street and wounding a member of the pro-regime Basij militia on 25 September, during the early phase of the protests triggered by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini

Iran this week publicly hanged young Majid Reza Rahnavard, the second execution in less than a week over protests.

Meanwhile, global support is growing for the campaign against the execution of Iranian footballer Amir Nasr-Azadani. The athlete had participated in the protests in favor of the human rights of women that are shaking the country and now faces the maximum penalty.

Iranians have been in the streets for three months in protests led by women united by the protest slogan, "Freedom, women, life."

The initial catalyst for the movement was the September 16 death of a student, Jina Mahsa Amini, at the hands of morality police ostensibly offended by her ill-fitted hijab. Ayatollah Khamenei family members condemn Iran's regime | DW News,

Courts in Iran have sentenced 11 people to death in connection with the protests, with the first two people executed in the past week. More than 18,000 Iranians have been arrested, including close members of the family of Ayatollah Khamenei: His niece is one of the sharpest critics of the Supreme Leader.

The Khamenei family or Khamenei dynasty is among the Iranian Azeri Sayyid families who claim to be descendants of the fourth Imam of Shia Islam, Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin (known as Imam Sajjad) — according to the "Khamenei family tree". Their dwelling place(s) were/are in Azerbaijan (Iran), Najaf, Tafresh, etc.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is the most powerful member of the Khamenei political family His descent, known as "Sadat-e Hosseini", is likewise connected to the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali. An Al-Manar TV documentary broadcast in March 2020 claimed that Khamenei is the 38th descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by his son Hussain Asghar, a son of Imam Sajjad.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei's father was Seyyed Javad Khamenei, and his paternal grandfather was Seyyed Hussein, who was buried in Najaf, Iraq (in the Wadi-us-Salaam cemetery). Seyyed Hussein's father was Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Tafresshi, who was considered a Sayyid of Aftasi, whose family tree was connected to Sultan-al-Ulama Ahmad (also known as Seyyed Ahmad)

Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Tafreshi Khamenei Tabrizi was the son of Seyyed Mohamad Taghi, who was the son of Mirza Ali-Akbar, who was the son of Seyyed Fakhr-al-Din Tafreshi. The descendants of Seyyed Fakhr-al-Din (also known as Mir-Fakhra) are called Mir-Fakhrayi.

As Qatar’s World Cup ends it is time for truth: Fifa chose death and suffering. Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica, Friday, December 16, 2022.

Related episodes, Who is Iranian-American entrepreneur Patrick Bet-Davids? Storyteller Patrick Bet-David talks about the current situation going on in Iran.

The New Genealogy: long term genealogical research. The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century. First edition in English December 15, 2022.


Are We All Related? Humans are all ultimately related to each other. 

The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century focuses on two Portuguese conquerors and peacemakers, also settlers, Capitão Antônio Álvarez Pereira and Alférez Álvaro de Acuña (da Cuhna) who arrived in Costa Rica at the beginning of the 16th century, and with abundant descendants, including my maternal family Vega-Rodríguez.

Assuming that no inbreeding takes place, great parents in nine generations are 256.

1. You, 100%.

2. You've got 2 biological parents, 50%.

3. 4 biological grandparents, 20%30%.

4. 8 biological great-grandparents, 7%-17%.

5. 16 biological 2nd-great-grandparents, 3%-10%.

6. 32 biological 3rd-great-grandparents, 0,5%-7%.

7. 64 biological 4th-great-grandparents, 0,2%-5%.

8. 128 biological 5th-great-grandparents, 0%-3,5%.

9. 256 biological 6th-great-grandparents, 0%-2,7%.

And so on reaching the genealogical tree of humanity published in Science magazine in 2022, with 27 million individuals. Are we all related?

Archaeological and genomic evidence suggests that modern Homo sapiens have roamed the planet for some 300–500 thousand years. In contrast, global human mitochondrial (mtDNA) diversity coalesces to one African female ancestor (“Mitochondrial Eve”) some 145 thousand years ago, owing to the ¼ gene pool size of our matrilineally inherited haploid genome.

Meet your relatives. A family tree of humanity has been constructed using genetic data from thousands of modern and prehistoric people. The tree gives a view of 2 million years of prehistory and evolution. In this ebook, we are going to present 1200 years of family history which I refer to as Long Term Genetic Research.

Related episode, "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century. First edition in English December 15, 2022. I am here to serve you in what you may occupy:
FIRST Edition Última parada antes de la próxima estación : ¿qué puede aportar la genealogía a nuestras vidas? / Rafael Alberto Vilagut Vega. of 07-17-2022 in Spanish available at the Carlos Monge Alfaro Library UCR 929.1 v695u 2022 OPAC Catalogue, 75 pages: black and white illustrations, black and white photographs.
Contact: Twitter @vilagutr e-mail: PO Box 925-2050, San Pedro Montes de Oca, Costa Rica, Central America. Telegram @ralviv. Web

Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 16, 2022.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022

Thanks to the sacrifice of my ancestors I am here.


The medieval descent of His Majesty King Felipe IV is as follows. Remarks of His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain, 2022 Foreign Policy Association Annual Dinner,

Today, the carelessness of Spanish authors regarding matters concerning the ancient dynasties that ruled Spain during the Middle Ages is surprising. The most recent academic source that has resolved this question appears in the royal dynasties of Spain in the Middle Ages (Jaime de Salazar y Acha, December 2021), however, the information was already available on the private platform with which I do genealogy.

With the Asturleonesa dynasty from Vermudo I the Deacon King of Asturias (788-791).
With the Navarra dynasty from Íñigo Íñiguez Arista († 852.).
With the Barcelona dynasty from Borrel Count of Urgell y Osona (798-820).
And with the Kings and Queens of Spain since Juana I La Loca, Queen of Castile and Aragon (1504-1555).
From my database, 'Charlemagne' Emperor of's 35th great grandson is Felipe VI de Borbón y Grecia.

Charlemagne` Emperor of son Pipino de Italia son Bernardo I de Italia son Pipino de Vermandois son Heriberto I de Vermandois daughter Beatriz de Vermandois son Hugo el Grande son Hugo Capeto son Robert II le Pieux de Francia son Enrique I de Francia son Felipe I de Francia son Louis VI le Gros de Francia son Luis VII el Joven de Francia son Felipe II Augusto son Luis VIII el León son San Luis IX de Francia son Roberto de Clermont son Luis I El cojo de Borbón son Jaime I de Borbón de La Marche son Juan I de Borbón de La Marche son Luis Bourbon-La Marche son Juan VIII de Vendôme son Francisco I de Vendôme son Carlos IV de Borbón-Vendôme son Antonio de Borbón son Enrique IV de Borbón son Luis XIII el Justo de Borbón son Luis XIV «el Rey Sol» de Borbón son Luis de Francia son Felipe V «el Animoso» de Borbón son Carlos III «el Político» de Borbón son Carlos IV «el Cazador» rey de España son Francisco de Paula de Borbón son Francisco de Asís de Borbón son Alfonso XII Rey de España son Alfonso XIII Rey de España son Infante Juan Conde de Barcelona son Juan Carlos I Rey de España son Felipe VI de Borbón y Grecia
Related episode, "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut. December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 15, 2022.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2022

The royal dynasties of Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages.


The royal dynasties of Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages. Jaime de Salazar y Acha. "La antigüedad de los linajes nobiliarios españoles",

The interest of the subject is evident when we see the extraordinary importance that the study of genealogy implies for a better understanding of the medieval world.

The medieval world does not work with the schemes that our modern world imposes. There they do not exist – and it is useless to look for them – the ideological differences between those who dispute power.

The medieval man, therefore, when he seeks power and wealth, does so based on his family relationships and, when these are insufficient, he pursues them through the establishment of a marriage bond.

With the exception of the Portuguese dynasty, all the other Spanish dynasties are extinct in the male line, not only in their reigning first-born lines, but also in the minor ones, both legitimate and natural.

Let's take the example of the old Barcelona dynasty, ending in the royal line in the person of King Martin the Human († 1410), whose bastard lines, especially in Italy, peter out centuries later. Specifically, the last of his lines, that of the Ayerbe, a descendant of Jaime the Conqueror, will become extinct in Italy in 1837.

The main causes for which a large part of the families of the Spanish high nobility died out during the 14th century are the following.

In the first place "the biological extinction of various lineages in which, together with the general causes that may have influenced the low marital fertility within families of high nobility - age of the spouses, duration of the marriage, diet in the childhood, etc.– one must consider very carefully the inbreeding that prevailed in that social class and that undoubtedly contributed to exhausting or at least weakening the strength of old lineages that made up the circle of rich men prior to the Trastámara.

The second cause would be based on the casualties suffered by the nobility in military campaigns, since "the ways of life and the warlike activity of the nobility always constituted a threat to the biological destiny of the lineages that made it up."

The main problem of early medieval genealogical research lies in the paucity of primitive chronicles. Indeed, if we analyze the Spanish chronicle sources between the 9th and 13th centuries, the knowledge they offer us about the genealogies of their time is scant and irritatingly parsimonious.

For more detailed information on The royal dynasties of Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages, "Las dinastías reales de España en la Edad Media", by Dr. Jaime de Salazar y Acha, Madrid December 2021. Real Academia de la Historia,
Related episode,  "A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century" by Rafael Alberto Vilagut.  December 10, 2022, blog Happy and Healthy (Feliz y Saludable),

Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 13, 2022.       

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2022

Cover 1,750 to 2,000 years of family history: CUSTOM EDITION OF The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century new book.


Cover 1,750 to 2,000 years of family history:  CUSTOM EDITION OF The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th-century new book.

Dedication with love.

In a very changing world in which it is debated whether artificial intelligence (AI) has feelings and armed robots have been watching the streets of San Francisco, I dedicate this first book published in English to my godson-grandson, Ignacio Andrés, who was born in Miami on February 14, 2022, my ten-year-old great-nephew Alex, they represent GEN ONE; to my godchildren Juan Andrés, 34, Jorge Alejandro, 28, Alexis Nehomar Jr., 22; to the children of my cousins, friends, even my niblings born between 1985 and 1994 who represent GEN TWO, and also to all past, present, and future generations. With the hope that our planet will be a happier, more prosperous, sustainable, and healthier place every day for all humanity and not just for a privileged few.

CUSTOM EDITION OF The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century FOR SPECIAL ORDERS.

This work is available to all the interested public in its version in Spanish from August 2022 and in English from December 2022. However, if you wish to order the personalized edition of this digital book, it will be possible by searching for the contact information and sending the request, to make a preliminary evaluation of the possibilities of completing the task, as well as the conditions for its elaboration, in time and cost.

The added value is that you don't spend time building your tree and that on the best platforms, it can be modified. You and your family could have two genealogies, on the one hand, that of King Felipe VI, or of your preference, and on the other hand, your long-term genealogy up to Hugo Capeto himself (941-996, LD9R-RYR), Adelaide of Aquitaine (945-1004, M15L-V4Q) and why not even Emperor Charlemagne himself (742-814, GXFB-8HH). Of course, all people are equally important, and genealogy challenges are accepted by ordinary people and ordinary ancestors like you and me.

By honoring biological ancestors, parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, even if you never knew them, you will be healing your tree and telling your family ancestors that each life was worth living, however difficult it may have been.

Orders of the new genealogy of longer duration are also accepted, for example even the Roman Emperors, both East and West could be up to 60 or 70 generations. Each generation is considered to be about 25 years, so they could easily cover 1,750 to 2,000 years of family history.

The product is available in Spanish and English that you can give these New Year's Eve festivities in 2022 and New Year 2023 or future years to come, as the greatest of gifts to family and friends. For me, a book has always been a treasure, and a personalized book is priceless. Soon we will be able to offer this service on the new long-term genealogy from you, up to 70 generations, to the family that we are the 8000 million souls on planet Earth in other languages such as Catalan, Basque, Galician, French, Portuguese, and Italian.

San Jose, Saturday, Sunday 11, 2022,

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2022

A new ebook, The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century.

A lot of the time when people build a family tree, they're looking for their famous relatives, as I did.

My costarrican mother Nydia Vega de Vilagut is the 40th great-granddaughter of Charlemagne who was born on 2 April 747 and died on 28 January 814. I’ll show you step by step.

The relationship Summary according to my research will be published very soon in my next ebook: The Lineage of the Portuguese Conquerors of the 16th century.

Nydia M. Vega's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather is 'Charlemagne' Emperor of the Carolingian Empire

Details: Nydia M. Vega's mother's father's mother's father's father's father's father's father's father's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's father's father's father's father's father's mother's mother's father's father's mother's mother's father's mother's father's mother's mother's father's father's father's mother's father's father's father's father's father is 'Charlemagne' Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.

Names: Nydia M. Vega mother Ang
elica Rodriguez father Juan J. Rodriguez mother María F. Arias father Jose M. Arias father Antonio Arias father Luis Arias father Jose T. Arias father Felipe Arias father Andres Arias mother Maria Monterroso mother Catalina Mora mother Maria De La Portilla mother Ana Gómez mother Juana Gomez mother María Pereira Cardoso mother Isabel de Acuña y Berrio father Alferez Álvaro de Alfonso father Rui de Melo da Cuhna father Rui Afonso de Melo father João Álvares da Cunha father Dom João Lourenço da Cunha mother Maria Gonçalves Briteiros mother Maria Afonso Chichorro father Martim Afonso Chichorro father King Afonso III of Bourgogne Rei of Portugal e do Algarv mother Urraca of Castile Queen of Portugal mother Eleanor E.P. of England Queen of Castilla father King Henry II E.I. of England mother Mathilde l`Emperesse M.D. de la maison de Normandie father Henry I of England King of England mother Matilda of Flanders mother Adela of France father Robert II King of France father Hugh Capet father Hugo el Grande mother Beatriz of Vermandois father Heriberto I of Vermandois father Pipino of Vermandois father Bernardo I of Italia father Pipino of Italia father `Charlemagne` Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.

On July 19, 2022, Charlemagne was featured as a character in an episode of The Family Histories Podcast, and it references his role as an ancestor of all modern Europeans and according to my research of many Latin American families.

The Emperor of the Carolingian Empire is portrayed here in later life and is speaking Latin, which is translated by a device. He is returned to 9th Century Aquitaine by the end of the episode after a DNA sample has been extracted.

This short bonus episode returns us back to the garage right at the end of Episode Seven, where host Andrew and guest Sheldon K Goodman have inexplicably found themselves confronted by a strange bearded man, and he’s holding a sword.

To the blessing of the entire family, Nydia is a very healthy older adult, a golden citizen, as they say in Costa Rica, San Jose, Saturday, December 10, 2022,

United States 1950 Census, Database. FamilySearch: 10 October 2022.


Today we return to the subject of genealogy that we are passionate about, with emotion we inform you that we will soon be publishing our first digital book on this subject.
Great interest has generated the 1950 U.S. Census: Get the Story of Your Family’s Lives | Ancestry®,

The United States Census Bureau (USCB), officially the Bureau of the Census, is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, responsible for producing data about the American people and economy. The Census Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce and its director is appointed by the President of the United States.

The Census Bureau's primary mission is conducting the U.S. census every ten years, which allocates the seats of the U.S. House of Representatives to the states based on their population. The bureau's various censuses and surveys help allocate over $675 billion in federal funds every year and it assists states, local communities, and businesses make informed decisions. The information provided by the census informs decisions on where to build and maintain schools, hospitals, transportation infrastructure, and police and fire departments.

Index and images of population schedules listing inhabitants of the United States in 1950. This was the seventeenth census conducted since 1790. There were approximately 151 million individuals enumerated this census year. The schedules cover the 48 states as well as Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and some of the smaller island territories. The index is being created by and curated by FamilySearch.

Your dad’s old neighborhood. Your grandma’s first job. Find something new about the people you’ve known your whole life. 
Census regions and divisions.  The current system was introduced for the 1910 census.  The United States Census Bureau defines four statistical regions, with nine divisions. The Census Bureau regions are "widely used...for data collection and analysis". Region 1: Northeast.  Division 1: New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).  Division 2: Mid-Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania).
Region 2: Midwest (Prior to June 1984, the Midwest Region was designated as the North Central Region.).  Division 3: East North Central (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin).  Division 4: West North Central (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota).
Region 3: South.  Division 5: South Atlantic (Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia).  Division 6: East South Central (Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee).  Division 7: West South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas).
Region 4: West.  Division 8: Mountain (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming).  Division 9: Pacific (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington).   
For families in Latin America, it can be of great interest in the case of relatives who have migrated to the United States, or who have temporarily lived for study, work, or illness. Some Vilagut migrated from Bolivia to North America, not only the United States but also Canada, as in the case of my grandfather's half-sister.
San Jose Costa Rica, Saturday, December 10, 2022,


viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022

The fine for lifting a billfish from the water in Costa Rica is $3390 at today’s exchange rate.


The fine for lifting a billfish from the water in Costa Rica is $3390 a today’s exchange rate.  In Costa Rica it’s the law: Leave Billfish in the Water. Billfish PROMO ENGLISH,

Ticotimes, It is that time of the year again. The ocean from the Golfo Nicoya to the Panama border will get flat and calm. Many of the trees on the hillsides along the Pacific will bloom bright yellow and the schools of sailfish will arrive and the number of tourists that come to chase these aerobatic ballerinas will increase 10-fold.  
Handroanthus chrysanthus (Araguaney or yellow ipê), formerly classified as Tabebuia chrysantha, also known as Araguaney in Venezuela, as guayacán in Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, as tajibo in Bolivia, and as ipê-amarelo in Brazil, is a native tree of the intertropical broadleaf deciduous forests of South America above the Tropic of Capricorn. On May 29, 1948, Handroanthus chrysanthus was declared the National Tree of Venezuela due to its status as an emblematic native species of extraordinary beauty. Its deep yellow resembles that of the Venezuelan flag. In Costa Rica, Handroanthus ochraceus Known as (common name) yellow bark tree or yellow bark (the second is given by grammatical contraction when pronouncing it quickly) is a timber tree, native to America, in the vegetation of the Cerrado, Pantanal, in Brazil.

It is against the law to remove billfish and tarpon as well from the water in Costa Rica for the purpose of a photo as all these fish are released by sport anglers. The commercial fisherman is a different story which we will take up in another article. The fine for lifting a billfish from the water is 2 million colones ($3390 at today’s exchange rate).

The law has been in place since 2009 and even today the majority of websites selling fishing charters on the Pacific have photos of billfish pulled up over the gunnel. If the government chose to prosecute using the photos posted as evidence, they could but like many of the fishing laws for both commercial and sport, they are actively not enforced.

I strongly encourage charter captains and anglers to follow this law, talk to your crews about educating the clients before they leave the dock, and change the photos of fish on the gunnels on your websites for action jump shots. Your own clients can supply them for you.

The government is trying to make the same rule apply for roosterfish which doesn´t make sense to me except for maybe really large roosters. A photo of a 100 lb sailfish in the water next to the boat is still pretty impressive but the same doesn’t apply to a 20 lb roosterfish. 
Meanwhile, Croatia has knocked tournament favorites Brazil out of the World Cup, beating the five-time champions 4-2 in a penalty shootout in the quarterfinals following a 1-1 draw over 120 minutes.

Costa Rica Fishing: The Evolution of the Hero Shot: (,

San Jose Costa Rica, Friday, December 9, 2022.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2022

Nicaragua Canal, a century-old project. Will China be the Lifeguard in Daniel Ortega's Nicaragua?


The Nicaragua Canal is a century-old project.  China´s 300 billion canal project may change the world shipping pattern,  
Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the northwest, the Caribbean to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. Managua is the country's capital and largest city, it was estimated to be the second-largest city in Central America. The multi-ethnic population of six million includes people of mestizo, indigenous, European, and African heritage. The main language is Spanish. Indigenous tribes on the Mosquito Coast speak their own languages and English. 
Plans for a canal crossing in Nicaragua first emerged in the 19th century. As a shipping channel, the essential purpose of the construction of the Nicaragua canal is to provide a maritime shortcut between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. In the 21st century, new ambitions emerged to construct such a canal in view of introducing a direct competitor to the Panama Canal. However, the chance that the canal will ever be built remains low.

The Nicaraguan Canal formally the Nicaraguan Canal and Development Project (also referred to as the Nicaragua Grand Canal, or the Grand Interoceanic Canal) was a proposed shipping route through Nicaragua to connect the Caribbean Sea (and therefore the Atlantic Ocean) with the Pacific Ocean. Scientists were concerned about the project's environmental impact, as Lake Nicaragua is Central America's key freshwater reservoir while the project's viability was questioned by shipping experts and engineers.

The construction of a canal using the San Juan River as an access route to Lake Nicaragua was first proposed in the early colonial era. The United States abandoned plans to construct a waterway in Nicaragua in the early 20th century after it purchased the French interests in the Panama Canal.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, before the opening of the Panama Canal, Nicaragua used to be the main overland trade route and hub of transshipment of goods between ocean-going vessels on the Atlantic side and those on the Pacific. In the meantime, the idea of constructing a man-made waterway through Central America has been thought about throughout history. The colonial administration of New Spain had conducted preliminary surveys. The routes suggested usually ran across Nicaragua, Panama, or the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico.

The history of attempts to build a Nicaragua canal connecting the Caribbean Sea and thus the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean goes back at least to 1825 when the Federal Republic of Central America hired surveyors to study a route via Lake Nicaragua, 32.7 meters (107 ft) above sea level. Many other proposals have followed. Despite the operation of the Panama Canal, which opened in 1914, interest in a Nicaragua canal has continued. With the emergence of globalization, an increase in commerce and the cost of fuel, and the limitations of the Panama Canal, the concept of a second canal across the American land bridge became more attractive, and in 2006 the president of Nicaragua, Enrique Bolaños, announced an intention to proceed with such a project. Even with the Panama Canal expansion project, which began the commercial operation to allow modern New Panamax vessels on 26 June 2016, some ships would be too big for the Panama Canal.
The Nicaragua Canal would have a minimum water depth of 26.9–29.0 m, thus accommodating vessels with a draft of 24–26 m, which are too large to pass through the expanded Panama Canal. The canal can easily accommodate all existing and planned container ships, 320,000 DWT VLCC (very large crude oil carriers), 400,000 DWT bulk carriers, and other mega vessels with these water depth conditions. The Nicaragua Canal would thus surpass by far the capacities of both the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal in terms of nautical characteristics.
The expansion of the Panama Canal underlines the technical feasibility of the Nicaragua project, but also its engineering complexity and costs. Due to the length of the canal, several physical obstacles (e.g. Isthmus of Rivas) necessitated the construction of locks and the requirement to accommodate large ships in both directions at once. Construction costs would be excessive, with some estimates placing them at more than 40 billion dollars, and delays and cost overruns almost always plague megaprojects. This represents a very high sunk cost before any revenue can be generated. In comparison, the expansion of the Panama Canal had a price tag of about 6 billion dollars.
The proposed canal passes in an area of volcanic and seismic activity, one of the reasons why Panama was initially retained for a transoceanic canal. There is thus a risk of potential damage to infrastructure and even closure. The project would also go through wetlands and conservation areas, implying negative impacts on ecosystems. The canal route crosses Lake Nicaragua, the country’s largest freshwater lake. Canal dredging and shipping activities may seriously impact the lake’s water quality and ecological environment. Shipping activities on the canal would seriously affect biodiversity and the protection of endangered species. The Nicaragua canal shipping activities would negatively affect the surrounding tropical rainforest, forest wetlands, natural and biosphere reserves, and other ecological systems. Shipping ballast water could also cause marine biological invasion. The canal project would also destroy local archaeological sites, disrupt the lives of indigenous people, and cause damage to other social environments. 
Nicaragua has a history of political instability, and its governance system is thus prone to risks. According to Transparency International, its corruption perception index for 2013 was 29/100, which is very low (ranked 130 out of 176 countries). Nicaragua is thus perceived as a highly corrupted country where the rule of law is not effectively enforced. 
Panama cut ties with Taiwan in June 2017 and is forging stronger relations with China. Panama’s policy reversal with respect to Taiwan may be linked to China’s massive investment in the area around the Panama Canal. The stronger economic and diplomatic exchanges between China and Panama undermine plans for the realization of the Nicaragua Canal.
Major transoceanic canal projects, such as the cases of Panama and Suez, have required setting an independent governance structure managing the infrastructures and operations. They are self-financed and highly independent of political interventions. It is uncertain if such a governance structure can be established in Nicaragua, increasing risks to investors and potential users.
Project costs were estimated in the region of $40 billion to $50 billion.  Following financial difficulties, HKND finally closed its Headquarter offices in China in April 2018, leaving no forwarding address or telephone numbers to be reached.   
Beginning in April 2018, a series of brutal crackdowns have occurred in Nicaragua as the Ortega-Murillo regime has ratcheted up its repression against opponents and civil society alike, accelerating its drive to consolidate a dynastic dictatorship. 
Today, Nicaragua is best characterized as a police state with no alternative centers of social or political organization outside of the ruling regime. More specifically, the state functions like a family business, with all the ruling couple’s children occupying government posts or prominent positions in public companies. The couple has not revealed its wealth for 20 years. Few have been spared by the National Police, Nicaraguan Army, and/or the paramilitary groups that are loyal to Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. Further, the regime has brutally repressed Indigenous peoples, journalists, and members of the Nicaraguan clergy. The government currently holds over 200 political prisoners, most in abhorrent conditions at El Chipote, a prison complex outside Managua known for its use of torture and dungeon-like conditions.
In response to protests against cuts to social security, the Nicaraguan government adopted a chilling strategy that has been described by Amnesty International as “shoot to kill.” This strategy led the Nicaraguan government to be accused by various international actors of committing crimes against humanity. In 2018 alone, over 350 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured, with accompanying reports of widespread extrajudicial imprisonment and torture. Thousands of neighborhoods erected barricades as a form of defense from the regime’s relentless violence, which was indiscriminate in most cases. More than 100,000 people were sent into exile as the regime instructed doctors to deny care to wounded protesters (in clear contravention of the Hippocratic Oath), burned families alive, and employed snipers to kill more than a dozen people in a single day. 
With the authorization of their respective Governments, the representatives of Nicaragua and China signed a joint communiqué between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Nicaragua on the Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations in the City of Tianjin, on the 10th day of the month of December 2021.
In a March 12, 2022 statement, the Vatican said the Nicaraguan government “has decided to withdraw its approval of H.E. Mons. Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, Apostolic Nuncio in Managua since 2018, imposing that he immediately leave the country after notifying him of this measure” 
Today the Catholic Church is a religion considered "persecuted" in Nicaragua, as different bishops and priests have mentioned on different occasions.   
Leopoldo Brenes, cardinal of Nicaragua, called for a change of direction in the country. During the Sunday mass that he presided at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua, the cardinal once again called for a change of government with biblical references.   
Nicaragua's crisis worsened with the 2021 general elections, when Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, were re-elected to their posts, in a process criticized because seven of their potential rivals were arrested and two fled into exile.
Will China be the Lifeguard in Daniel Ortega's Nicaragua?  A bridge, a highway, a refinery, a factory, or an interoceanic canal are some of the options on the table.
 San Jose Costa Rica, December 8, 2022, 23 days remain until the end of the year. Feast of the Immaculate Conception (public holiday in several countries, a holy day of obligation in others), and its related observances:     The conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Anglican Communion), lesser commemoration.     Festa da Conceição da Praia, celebrating Yemanjá, Queen of the Ocean in Umbanda (Salvador, Bahia).     Festival of Lights (Lyon).     Mother's Day (Panama).     Lady of Camarin Day (Guam).  Rafael Alberto Vilagut,